He is played by Sean Astin (alongside David Jason as Rincewind) in the two-part television adaptation. This is usually "bugger off" or something similar, but since the monks do not speak Morporkian, it does not matter much. He took pride in being pathologically careful about everything, running Ankh-Morpork as a police state, with his dreaded Cable Street Particulars, under the command of Captain Swing, causing dissidents to disappear. Pratchett has stated on Twitter that she is married to William de Worde, retaining her maiden name for professional purposes.[8]. This belief, which is quite firm, is based on hearing his grandmother saying, during a famine, "You will be alright if you have your potato." Cohen is described as a skinny old man, with a long white beard hanging down below his loincloth, and wearing a patch over one eye. Spencer was played by Michael Crawford, who was also the original performer of the eponymous character in Phantom of the Opera. She also acquired from Cohen suitable heroic instincts (that is, strong urges to fight, kill, and steal) and an ability to use anything as a deadly weapon. Blouse seems to be a direct contrast to Jackrum the small, skinny, naive man is brilliant with numbers, and in one notable scene, thinks faster than Jackrum and uses a signaling device to misdirect enemy forces, whereas Jackrum would have simply smashed the device and moved on; a sign of warfare on the Discworld changing, with intelligence and technology beginning to take the place of bravery and fighting skill. He is well known for his "catchphrase", "Buggrit, millennium hand an' shrimp", which was the result of Pratchett feeding a random text generating program with a Chinese takeaway menu and the lyrics to They Might Be Giants' song Particle Man.[1]. The main character in Monstrous Regiment. He films several movies with Ginger Withel (aka Delores De Syn), and eventually uses the magic of Holy Wood to defeat the Things from the Dungeon Dimensions with Ginger's help. His current whereabouts are unknown. The sign outside his yard reads "King of the Golden River, Recycling Nature's Bounty." His relationship with Mr Salzella is one of mutual distrust and Mr Bucket has no time for Salzella's dry wit and humour, especially when Salzella is making crude comments about people having been hanged. The early books feature a different cast of University staff each time, but arounf Guards Guards (or thereabouts) he settles down on a bunch of regulars. There is also a man selling hot dogs, possibly a reference to Dibbler. Twoflower is the optimistic but naive tourist. C K (Caimh) McDonnell is a former stand-up comedian and TV writer. Mr Bent resided in Mrs. Cake's Boarding House. Against all expectations, he acquitted himself admirably. In Unseen Academicals, he reveals that he cannot understand the fuss that is being made about football, both old and new. Tawneee is, in fact, merely her stage name; her real name is Betty. A character in Monstrous Regiment, Jackrum is an immensely fat, hard-bitten Borogravian sergeant major with decades of military experience. The Cretaceous conifer species Sulcatocladus dibbleri is named after CMOT Dibbler.[4]. Having kidnapped Hrun and Twoflower (for whom she expresses no interest and has locked away), she tests Hrun by trying to stab him in his sleep. He also has a superstition that those who die while holding a potato will be reincarnated. ), see the articles for those races. After the rather unsuccessful attempt, he and his friends escaped on the backs of horses belonging to the Valkyries and rode into the sky, seeking to explore the outside of space. Provided with a 30mm premium plastic round base. They turned out to be very wrong. In Interesting Times Cohen became Emperor of the Agatean Empire, having conquered it with his allies, the Silver Horde. Adora's family is conned out of the Grand Trunk by Reacher Gilt, forcing Adora to be employed at the Golem Trust. He claims that, when he dies, he wants a bell left on his gravestone so he can have the pleasure of not getting up when people ring. But Liessa still has one more trial in store for him: she strips till she is naked, so as to see how much passion he truly has for her. The couple are given the title of Duke and Duchess of Sto Helit, and later also become the parents of Susan Sto Helit. Brutha is a faithful and dutiful lad, word perfect on Omnian religious texts on account of his eidetic memory but unable to read or write. He meets Rincewind in Bel Shamharoth's lair, and aids his escape. The Ankh-Morpork official Hangman and executioner, possibly its Chief Executioner, although others have not been specifically mentioned. Mr Goatberger knows his readership well, and prints his Almanacks on thin paper, as many families use previous editions in their privies. Mr Hong never appears in any of the books, having (apparently) died before the start of any of the stories, but appears to form an important part of Ankh-Morpork's collective memory. He lives at 13 Midden Lane, Pseudopolis. After fighting and losing to Death, Mort was given an extra lease of life when the Grim Reaper chose to turn over his Lifetimer. With the assistance of Ignius Cutwell, a local wizard, she attempted to be crowned Queen in a fast-tracked coronation before the reality enveloping Sto Lat collapsed. It is stated on several occasions that Jackrum should have actually retired long ago, with his official resignation papers constantly following him around by mail, but he always finds some excuse to get out of them; at one point in the book, he resigns his commission so that he can brutally assault an enemy soldier without dealing with military protocol and is subsequently re-enlisted afterwards. Classic Edd Matt Bendee Ku Klux Klan Dr. Decapi Ringo Tom Tord Santa Claus Kim and Katya Paul Zombehs Ash Williams . Blouse's ambition is to have an item of clothing or a food named after him, in the manner of many famous military men. Victor's uncle left a legacy to pay for Victor's tuition at Unseen University, provided that Victor never scored below an 80 on an exam. I for sure remember there was an Arabic sounding Dibbler in Omnia in Small Gods, there was Disembowl Myself Honorably from Agatea in Interesting TimesI swore there was a Djelibeybian Dibbler from Pyramids but I may be mistaken. The lack of a formal title, in fact, gives him fewer restrictions than his contemporaries. Whilst being pursued by Commander Vimes along the roof tops at Unseen University during a magical thunderstorm, both Carcer and Vimes are transported thirty years into the past, about a week before the Glorious Revolution of the Twenty-Fifth of May. His cough is described as sounding 'almost solid'. He used to be one of the more obsessive of Ankh-Morpork's large number of pin collectors (called 'pinheads'), to the point that all the other collectors thought he was "a bit weird about pins". The Duck Man is regarded as the intellectual of the group, and appears to be relatively sane. His one recorded act (The Colour of Magic) was to direct the Assassins' Guild to 'inhume' the tourist Twoflower at the request of the Grand Vizier of the Agatean Empire, contrary to the orders of the Emperor; the attempt failed. His son, Gravid, was an entrepreneur involved in a scheme in which goblins were captured in the Shires (a border region between Ankh-Morpork and Quirm) and enslaved on Howondaland tobacco plantations with the resultant cigars and snuff (as well as assorted troll narcotics) being smuggled into Ankh-Morpork; after this was discovered, Gravid was disinherited and exiled to Fourecks. As far as standardization was concerned, Quimby instituted the Ankh-Morpork Bureau of Measurements, in which is kept the standardized Blunt Stick (originally a Sharp one was on display as well, but very few things were found worse than a poke in the eye with it), the recipe for the Pie that It May be As Nice As, Two Short Planks and the stone used in the original Moss-Gathering Trials. In the TV adaption of Going Postal, Gilt is portrayed by David Suchet. Nijel the Destroyer, son of Harebut the Provision Merchant, is a would-be barbarian hero, appearing in Sourcery. When Carlotta Von Uberwald came into his life, Lewton's life changed forever. His trousers and socks are confirmed as being highly explosive, as a result of the gunpowder-like solution they are treated with. In The Light Fantastic, Cohen helps the other two protagonists, Rincewind and Twoflower, save a seventeen-year-old girl named Bethan, who was to be offered as a sacrifice. He supplements his official stipend, and plans for his retirement, by selling of short lengths of the hanging ropes used in particularly interesting casessuch as the "Albert Spangler" executionoften signed by the victims themselves. For biographies of noted members of the Discworld's "ethnic minorities" (dwarfs, trolls, undead, etc. The fact that she is Nobby's girlfriend is somewhat shocking considering his barely human appearance and her incredibly stunning good looks. At one point, War refers to Death as "Mort" but we later learn that the only people in the room (other than Twoflower), were Death, Famine, Pestilence and War ("mort" is "death" in Quirmian/French). Aaronovitch has confirmed that C!Mot is intended as a parallel Dibbler, although how similar he is to the original (since the People have an entirely non-capitalist society) is unknown. He first appeared in Moving Pictures. First appears in Men at Arms. After the time crash he goes out into the world to stop the second Glass Clock (under the pretext of being shown the Way of Mrs Cosmopilite), which was being constructed by his then unknown temporal double, Jeremy Clockson. In Going Postal this is the Lady Sybil Free Hospital. It is revealed that he is a father and a widower; his wife died after tax collectors attacked Bes Pelargic, with his recollections of the event being the only times he has displayed anger. He was introduced to the discworld series in the book Making Money. Evil Harry Dread is the villainous counterpart to Cohen the Barbarian; an old fashioned heroic fantasy type annoyed with how the Discworld has changed (nowadays, modern heroes always block his escape tunnel before confronting him). In addition to social philosophy, Ly is also a proponent of natural philosophy. This list consists of human characters. Johnson achieves the same effect through unforeseen side effects of devices invented for other purposes, and in the process creates some of the Disc's most impressive, dangerous, and unusual works of architecture, art, and engineering. This page is where the animated counterparts of real people and various characters found in Edd Gould's creations, collabs, and characters in Eddsworld: Legacy and Eddsworld Beyond can be found. Rincewind, of course, remains immovably convinced that Twoflower's IQ is comparable to that of a pigeon. Foul Ole Ron is in one verse of Sam Vimes' 'City Version' of "Where's My Cow?". The daughter of Cohen the Barbarian and a temple dancer. He is killed by Vimes during the fire at the Unmentionables' headquarters. [3] Considering the fragile sanity of the Canting Crew, there's a chance he might have put that contract on himself before becoming a beggar. Another notable fact is that his catchphrase (minus "buggrit") is also used by Mrs Tachyon, a character in the Johnny Maxwell series, also by Pratchett. Jump to navigation Jump to search. This list may not reflect recent changes ( learn more ). When a 9-year-old Tiffany finds him there in The Wee Free Men, a year has passed on the Disc since his disappearance, and so he would have been 13 in the "real" world. When first encountered she is a sixteen-year-old girl with silver hair and silver eyes who, it transpires, has been sixteen for thirty-five Discworld 'years' (no time passes in Death's Domain). Brutha is the only true believer of Om, as all other "believers" only go along with the state religion either out of fear of torture and death by the Quisition, or out of habit. However, after Death managed to sort out the alterations to the timeline with the Gods, she became Queen Kelirehenna I, Lord of Sto Lat, Protector of the Eight Protectorates and Empress of the Long Thin Debated Piece Hubwards of Sto Kerrig. 1 Major Discworld characters 1.1 Ankh-Morpork and The Watch 1.2 Unseen University and the Wizards 1.3 Lancre and the Witches 1.4 Death's Domain and supernatural entities 1.5 Tiffany Aching 1.6 Industrial Revolution Characters 2 Minor Discworld characters 2.1 Ankh-Morpork and The Watch 2.2 Unseen University and The Wizards 2.3 Lancre and The Witches It is assumed that this means he is the son of the elder Fool's wife and Verence I, and he is duly crowned Verence II. Pages in category "Discworld characters" The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,266 total. His wife's name is Euphemia "Effie" King (his petname for her is "Duchess"), and their daughters are Daphne and Herminone (through whom Harry King is also a grandfather). In addition to the standard loincloth, Nijel wears woolen long underwearhis mother insisted. flag. It is not known if he still holds the position following Cohen's disappearance (as told in The Last Hero) but the Discworld Atlas states that the Agatean Empire has, in that time, become the 'People's Beneficial Republic of Agatea', headed by a Chairman. The moniker, "King of the Golden River," is unlikely to be a reference to the River Ankh, which is brown due to centuries of waste being dumped into it, but is more likely to be a scatological reference, as suggested by the previous sign. He is also known for having undergone a long and perilous journey home after the war, much like his Roundworld equivalent. Raised by peas (no further explanation is given), Stanley has a tendency towards obsessive behaviour, coupled with violent incidents (his 'little moments') when under stress. After fusing with Jeremy, Lobsang inherited all of Time's powers (though due to his inexperience he needs "time" to recharge them initially) and eventually takes over her role. Of all the characters in Terry Pratchett's Discworld Magrat Garlick, Granny Weatherwax, and Nanny Ogg are some of the most beloved by fans. He has also been hoarding food, and rescuing much of the castle's silverware and paintings. It has been noted that many Ankh-Morporkians tend to have a certain literal mindedness. The greatest problems now facing Cohen come from outliving the heroic age and finding himself in a civilized modern world where great battles and astonishing rescues happen rarely except in storieswhich is ironic given that the Discworld runs on narrative. The antagonist of Small Gods, Vorbis was the Head of the Omnian Quisition, holding the positions of Exquisitor and Subdeacon, the latter being the highest rank that could be held by an Exquisitor to prevent the institution from becoming "too big for its boots." In Men at Arms, he was mentioned as having a cruet set designed by "Bloody Stupid" Johnson (where, due to Johnson's ineptitude with geometry meant that they are used as storage silos), and in Feet of Clay, he was mentioned to have made his horse a city councillor. Before the couple can embark onto anything intimate however, Hrun is snatched away by Rincewind and Twoflower riding Twoflower's dragon Ninereeds. Victor has not reappeared in any subsequent Discworld books. A ruthless businessman with a piratical appearance, including an eyepatch and a cockatoo that, instead of saying "pieces of eight", said "twelve and a half percent" (that is, one eighth), he was a shameless con-artist and fraudster whose business style was described as playing "find the lady with entire banks". (12 November 2019) Contents 1 Untitled 2 Cosmopilite vs Cosmopolite 3 Adora Dearheart Walter is helped by Agnes Nitt into combining both aspects of his personality together so that he can become the director of music. This article contains brief biographies for characters from Terry Pratchett's Discworld series. He is known, either personally or by reputation, by practically every soldier in the Borogravian Army, and boasts that he is probably quite well known by the soldiers of the enemy armies too. By this time, however, Victor had left Unseen University to become an actor in Holy Wood, under the stage name Victor Maraschino, and the test paper in question was, instead, received by accident by Ponder Stibbons. Loincloth, nijel wears woolen long underwearhis mother insisted undergone a long and perilous journey home after war! When Carlotta Von Uberwald came into his life, Lewton 's life changed forever embark anything. Television adaptation gives him fewer restrictions than his contemporaries Bel Shamharoth 's lair, and rescuing much of Discworld..., merely her stage name ; her real name is Betty the barbarian and a temple dancer, is... Has also been hoarding food, and later also become the parents of Susan Sto Helit ; the following pages! The original performer of the gunpowder-like solution they are treated with while a... The Discworld series in the TV adaption of Going Postal, Gilt is portrayed by David Suchet a man hot. 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