I intend to serve the HGSE community by amplifying student voices and ensuring that students have a sense of belonging within the community. Brainstorm the names of key leaders in your state or community. I quickly noticed a need for affinity spaces to support students' transition into college, especially when entering Predominantly White Institutions (PWIs). We even lack a disability advocacy group on campus. Jake Wichman, principal of East Elementary School in Jefferson, earned a top state reading advocacy honor last week, being selected as the Outstanding Administrator of the year by the Wisconsin . The discourse of gender equality remains strained in the country. This is why I am interested in serving on the Student Council.What about your previous experiences positions you to effectively serve on Student Council?I have served as the president of the Council of Exceptional Children chapter in my undergraduate program in which it was my job to connect students and faculty and organize speakers with a variety of perspectives. Students should be able to pick their schools. I have advocated for my teenaged and young adult students to have better access to their school and community, particularly after witnessing the worsening accessibility conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic. I've witnessed Student Council members at Harvard Medical School balance the needs of their constituents with the inflexibility of the HMS administration. Send a letter to those individuals, inviting them to an initial meeting of your Key Communicator group. Combing with the work as a wellness coach, my experience as a hotline volunteer in Buckeye Peer Access Line at OSU allows me to serve on Student Council more effectively. . . Habitat for Humanity advocates for this cause by working with local communities to build houses and provide decent housing for all. . How Can Students Become Advocates For The Environment? And I hope to change that by relaying your concerns and thinking of innovative ways to enhance our experience academically and socially. Climate change is one of the most pressing global issues today. It called for the preservation of Verde Island Passage (VIP), given the alarming issues posed by the potential establishment of fossil fuel plants in Batangas. And don't forget to include the campaign theme. Some teachers also have their own class websites. I genuinely want to know how your experience is going and I value your input. As we re-enter a world that's post-lockdown, we will be realizing the collective effects we all endured, and some may have needs that we not realized pre-COVID. More personally, I am social and affable and would love to make this year amazing for other students in my class and cohort. As a person who would define herself as a helper, I often experience joys and meaningfulness through the process of spreading kindness. For years, the UN has been vocal about the growing number of human rights violations in the Philippines. By no means is this an exhaustive list. We engage in ways and support programs that help strengthen financial support for students. As a military spouse, I have had to frequently start anew and at times entering a new community can be overwhelming and isolating. Bring together colleagues and brainstorm three items: When completed, list your successes on a card, laminate that card, and provide copies to local social studies educators or members of your council. Such listening skills would greatly empower me to better listen to students' needs and advocate for them more effectively. Student Advocacy Council. 3. Likewise, you want to curate your social media feed to reinforce the campaigns big idea. While you might be able to power through them all with enough tenacity, youll likely get burnt out, especially with studies on the side. Advocating Across Issues Students can be powerful advocates for student involvement, as well as for other changes that students want in policy or governance. You may want to create a quarterly e-mail for your Key Communicators to keep in touch with them. Furthermore, I have actively promoted the rich heritage of Asian culture and harbored the welfare of Chinese students at UCLA through consistent advocacy and conducting school-wide events. Pull together a small group of colleagues and brainstorm the names of opinion leaders in your area. Together they campaigned to their lawmakers to enact change in their community. It isn't necessary to start new publications to communicate a message. Through all of this, my mission has been to advance equality and promote visibility to all regardless of background.. There are many ways you can approach this advocacy, such as fighting for accessibility rolling out educational tools to reach students in remote areas. Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in the Philippines, yet the survival rate is only at about 57%. As such, its essential to take action now to prevent irreversible consequences. "Bad ideas in D.C. are a lot like weeds: no matter what you do, they keep coming back. Wonderly Peralta (LDIT)Why are you interested in serving on Student Council?I am interested in serving on Student Council because I want to serve my fellow classmates as a strong advocate for their education at HGSE. Make sure to include all these in your campaign to cover all your bases. has been vocal about the growing number of human rights violations in the Philippines. To help support those in need and provide better living conditions, you can start housing projects or amass support for similar initiatives. The sense of familiarity and convenience in communication typically allows the creation of powerful mutual understanding easier. Given the high incidence of breast cancer in the country, spreading awareness on the issue can help people spot early signs of cancer and prevent a full-on medical battle. I will do my best to engage with you and seek for your input on crucial decisions because your voice matters. This website provides a wide range of . GPA is pleased to be affiliated with or accredited by the following organizations: Student Council: A Tool for Effective Self-Advocacy, on Student Council: A Tool for Effective Self-Advocacy, Garfield Park Academy, a New Jersey non-profit corporation, does not discriminate in any form against students, employees or applicants on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, national origin or disability. The global situation may have slightly recovered now compared to the previous year and schools are opening up accordingly, but we can tell that it can not be the same as the time before the pandemic.I am grateful to the school for the effort of making our learning space safe and professional. However, its also important to remember that the best advocacy will be one that youre passionate about. Betsy Fawcett (EPA)Why are you interested in serving on Student Council?In this year of so much change, I think student council is essential to making sure that the school is responding to the needs of students, and this is why I would like to represent our community. The mission of the Student Council is to serve as a student advocacy and advisory group which acts as a liaison between the students and administration of USG to . Have someone from the school contact the leader and invite him or her to spend a day at the school as a student in various social studies classes. Given the high incidence of breast cancer in the country, spreading awareness on the issue can help people spot early signs of cancer and prevent a full-on medical battle. This upcoming academic year will have unique challenges, ones which we will overcome as a community. We are on the front lines of those working for the rights of Blacks, Latinos/as, Asians and Pacific Islanders, Native Americans, Muslims, immigrants, and refugees. Mental health efforts are highly relevant to students today. Introduce yourself. As such, its essential to take action now to prevent irreversible consequences. What Makes an Advocacy Campaign Successful? People in need within the community are supported. My way to overcome this is to integrate myself into the community. To begin your speech for student council president, you need to begin with a strong, attention-grabbing opening. So get a team to help you out and distribute tasks based on everyones skillsets. Even though there is still a lot to learn, I believe I can gain greatly from the position of Student Council with my previous working experiences. Instead of aiming to raise awareness, rewrite your goal to be more specific. In celebration of World Tourism Day, the Center for Energy, Ecology, and Development launched the #VIPforVIP campaign on September 27, 2021. I realized how many obstacles were present for people, like myself, who's parents hadn't gone to college in the United States or in other ways weren't on the 'pipeline' to higher education. Check out these ten advocacy campaign examples for students to give you an idea of how you can help make a difference, whether big or small. Empowering students through exploration and authentic mathematics experiences can be transformative for teaching and learning. About. Some schools and school districts have Key Communicators. Also, I can identify students' needs and provide related resources with relatively objective judgments. Beyond working to create safe spaces for students, I have advocated for more inclusive forms of counseling, including overhauling our selection rubric to have a holistic view of our student experiences, interests and passions. Expand all. My name is Stephanie, and I'm running for student body president. Successes of students in social studies, such as awards received and civic leadership conferences/trips attended; Accomplishments of social studies educators, such as teacher award winners, national/state leadership positions held, and media recognition for a social studies teacher; Contributions social studies students make to the school or community, such as researching and writing a history of the region. Beginning of the student council speech. Thus, if the fossil gas projects pushed through, marine life on the island would be severely threatened and people would lose their source of livelihood. To do this, you should conduct a stakeholder analysis. Though serving different student government positions, I have gained valuable knowledge, even having the opportunity to be involved in university projects, but it's time to use my skills to advocate for all HGSE students and make sure we are all being heard and value.What about your previous experiences positions you to effectively serve on Student Council?A leader is someone that does not need a title to make a difference. As a result, more and more NGOs are stepping in to defend this cause. 11 Ways To Conserve Natural Resources You Can Do Right Now. Their existence greatly boosts my confidence both as a student and foreigner far from home. A visible leader is an approachable leader to young people. advocacy ideas for student council40th anniversary ring. This plan will serve as your roadmap to success. Such emphasis highly resonates with my personal value, previous living experiences, and future career goal. Despite the countrys high literacy rate, many students cannot receive adequate quality education due to financial constraints and the lack of accessibility. Subsequently, I constantly faced arduous hurdles while acclimating to my college life in the United States as a first-generation overseas student. I'll keep this quick as I'm sure you are ready to get . The campaigns provided facts about the virus and shared tips to enhance peoples safety. 2023 National Council for the Social Studies Illinois Global Scholar: A Story of Teacher Advocacy for Student Transformation Seth Brady and Randy Smith This past September, not long after school started, NPR's Morning Edition aired an interview about a groundbreaking media literacy education law in Illinois. The group typically meets once or twice a month. There I became involved in the constitutional committee, as we worked, and are still working, to take our 50 year old organization from an informal professional networking group to a 501(c)3 status non profit. There are plenty of ways to approach this problem and empower the nations older humans. Animal advocacy campaigns focus on providing shelters for stray animals and preventing animal cruelty. Parisa Loftis Hamm (EPA)Why are you interested in serving on Student Council?I aim to advocate for my peers by uplifting student voices. Participants will raise funds by asking family members and friends to sponsor them. In ELOE, we have been tasked to reflect upon our strengths and weaknesses as individuals through a series of competencies. But lending a hand with tangible efforts like donation drives and food programs can make a huge difference to the individuals suffering from poverty. 5 Tips on Advocacy with Students. Don't forget to highlight your qualifications one last time. 1. The urge to create equitable change has come about through my lived experience and career. For example, if your advocacy campaign focuses on increasing the pet adoption rates in a certain area, it makes no sense to dedicate placements to talking about global warming. Convenient places to park a bike, car, etc. Advocacy Examples. Self-determination is a key element of the evidence-based Teaching-Family Model used throughout the school. Afterwards, I asked my students to focus on just two of the bills for our visit. Urge them to share this information, and ask them to contact you with any questions they may have during the year. Here at HGSE, we have students from all over the world, from a variety of backgrounds. Climate change is one of the most pressing global issues today. If possible, have an annual meeting to update these people and keep in touch. This involves identifying individuals who can empower or hinder you from achieving your goals, assessing how much influence they can have on your campaign, then thinking of ways to engage with them. Kanan Dubal (EPA)Why are you interested in serving on Student Council?I want to contribute formally in effectively building the new programs and provide a platform for collective students voices. Roughly 30 students in grades K-12 were selected by their classmates either as representatives or alternates, to represent their homeroom class through the Student Council. This approach is also a lot easier to commit to for students. I was also a teacher, where I worked to ensure that students were a part of an inclusive classroom so that they could thrive. . Hi! Read our full policy, Workshop: Trauma-Sensitive IEPs What Child Study Teams Need to Know, Workshop: Child Psychiatry and Mental Health Services for Students with Disabilities, Mental Health Supports All Day, Every Day, Therapeutic Training Program: Resilience through Trauma-Sensitive Weight Training, Community Connections: GPA and Delaware Valley Baptist Church, GPA is Reaccredited by the Teaching Family Association, Virtual Remote Instruction Program for 2022-2023 School Year. For example, you can say, Create an advocacy video to depict the climate crisis in the Philippines.. Welcome to the Student Advocacy page. Provide a brief foreshadowing of your call to action. This is especially important in overcoming the attitude that social studies education is what it was 30 years ago when today's adults were in school. A leader is someone who is dedicated and is willing to learn and listen from others. This is why I am running for the Student Advocacy and Issues Committee. What brought me to working with learners at the margins was being always uncomfortable with exclusion. At Dartmouth, I became a part of ABAFAOILSS (the Association for Black Admissions and Financial Aid Officers of the Ivy League and Sister Schools). Since we are recognized as educators, people are likely to ask us questions about schools and social studies in the supermarket checkout line, at the new youth recreation center, at the gym or spa, at a sporting event, at school functions, at churches, mosques, synagogues, etc. I believe joining HGSE's Student Council will be an opportunity to turn my beliefs into action. Inside the classroom, you can support this cause by initiating discussions on the topic, using gender-neutral language, and assessing yourself for potential instances of gender bias. As an undergraduate, I held multiple leadership roles in different capacities which include:-President of a student mental health awareness organization-Secretary of a public relations organization-Resident Housing Association - Floor senator-President of the theatre honors society. I also have loved ones in my family and close friends with disabilities that I have supported during the COVID-19 pandemic. In the future, I would like to become a professional counselor who would be able to advocate the importance of mental health in schools and communities. In October, they sponsored a Halloween Parade for the elementary students. My name is Thao Le and I am excited to be the 2019-2020 Student Life Liaison.The GSC's Student Life Liaison position was created five years ago to create a graduate student advocate.. This experience has been eye opening, illustrating the importance of codifying historical documents in inclusive spaces. SPS provided teachers with marine science education training and gave phones to the Bantay Dagats or sea watchers to stay connected with local officials. Solar-powered irrigation system for farmers, Floating apparatus to address river pollution from waste, K-12 game to educate Filipino students on climate change. This has become the core of my personal professional motivation as I embark on this program. Erica HyoWan Jang (SSP)Why are you interested in serving on Student Council?As a returning part-time virtual student, I witnessed what my classmates were going through and how the school responded last year. The students who are highly motivated to lead and take ownership of a role usually make it a point to run for student council at some point in their academic lives. Recently they completed their annual Thanksgiving Food Drive, making posters to promote the activity to help families in need. At Thrive Scholars, a community based organization focused on helping high-achieving, low-income, underrepresented students get into and graduate from top colleges, I worked directly with incredible teens confronting the same inhospitable system I did years ago. Together, we can work together to envision our ideal HGSE! As a young queer woman of color, I rarely find myself represented or heard by those who hold power and authority, a feeling that is held by too many people. After the parade, students gathered in the Media Center, where both the Student Council members and elementary students met, talked and enjoyed a snack. I was an advocate for teachers at Evergreen Teachers Association in San Jose, California. Dessiree Cuevas (ELOE)Why are you interested in serving on Student Council?After being heavily involved with Associated Students Incorporated (ASI) at the California State University East Bay (CSUEB), I strongly believe I will contribute positively and professionally on a graduate level. Thus, youll need to tiptoe around to work toward goals that you can achieve. As a result, more and more NGOs are stepping in to defend this cause. The Council will provide fresh perspectives and insights on important . In reality, theres no one best advocacy since all social issues are equally important. Be clear about your message and remove white noise. The Student Advocacy and Issues Committee shall be responsible for ascertaining student opinion and concern on academic, social matters, and community issues and engaging Student Council members in conversations about potential action to advocacy on behalf of students with faculty, staff, or other stakeholders, including: Acting as an advocate . From 2012 to 2015, it ran the Shark Shelter Project to help preserve the thresher shark in Malapascua Island, Cebu. The mission of National Council for the Social Studies is to advocate and build capacity for high-quality social studies by providing leadership, services, and support to educators. Opinion leaders (Key Communicators) are determined by how many people they influence--they have people power, not necessarily position power. By 2015, Malapascua Island and Gato Island became the Philippines first shark and ray sanctuary via, Climate Reality Project Philippiness Niche Campaign, In July 2021, the Climate Reality Project Philippines partnered with East-West Center and Wavefarers to launch the. Overview Your first points of contact with Princeton Engineering; Leadership and Staff Meet our administrative team; Leadership Council Accomplished leaders who serve as advisors to the dean; Strategic Planning A bold vision for the next decade; Princeton Engineers Celebrating our community; E100 In 2021-2022, we celebrated the centennial of our first academic year If we have not had an opportunity to talk, I hope to meet you soon and hear your voice.What about your previous experiences positions you to effectively serve on Student Council?Prior to HGSE, I served on a spouses' organization at a military base as the chair of membership and hospitality. Ask your sponsoring chapter to subsidize $5 - $10 of the student dues for new students joining during your membership drive, then offer this discount to new members. I have served as an Evergreen Teachers Association (ETA) Representative and a CTA Representative for a total of 7 years. Good afternoon, students and staff members! That can be through art, social media, or volunteer efforts. By October 5just eight days after the campaigns launchthe petition garnered 270 signatures, surpassing its target of 200. Copyright 2014 The President and Fellows of Harvard CollegeHGSE Publishing Policies & Disclaimers|Trademark Notice | Digital Accessibility Policy, Copyright 2023 The President and Fellows of Harvard College, HGSE Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Outcomes, First Generation and Low Income Student Community (FLIC), Sexual Harassment and Other Sexual Misconduct, Telehealth and Wellbeing for Harvard Students, STUDENT COUNCIL 2021-2022 CANDIDATE STATEMENTS, Student Council 2021-2022 Candidate Statements, Harvard Graduate Council (HGC) Voting Representative. Message and remove white noise food programs can make a huge difference to individuals. Financial support for students of codifying historical documents in inclusive spaces like:. 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