He hands her a book and as she flips through it, she realizes it's a book of their emails during theirrelationship. InNo Surprises, Clare video chats with Eli about going bungee jumping. In Extraordinary Machine (2), after Imogen plants pills in Clare's bag, Eli devises a plan to get Clare off the hook, by telling Mr. Simpson that the pills were his, and that Clare was just holding them for him. I'm just not sure whether she and Alex were sexually active before that. They laugh. Eli opens his locker and finds out Clare cleaned out his locker. Alli tells her that they planned for four years and their plans got defeated in one minute. They open the door to Eli's bedroom and find out it's a really messy room. This upsets Clare and Eli comes into the room with a healthy smoothie for Clare and isn't sure what he did wrong. She adds that Clare can't hide behind vampire fiction forever, hinting that she knows about the events of Innocent When You Dream. Eli says that given recent developments he's not sure that's how things are going to go to which Tristan asks rhetorically, "why not, doesn't love conquer all?" Clare says that he's right, he (their son) should know his dad and that she could use his help. In Umbrella (1), Clare feels as if her own family is falling apart until that is, when Eli's parents give her a strange offer. Eli smiles in response, considering, and they say goodbye. Eli and Clare then cuddle on a hammock. Later Alli asks Clare if she thought of when she might tell Drew, but Clare isn't entirely sure where to start. I shudder with anticipation as my infatuation runs wild. Eli says he agrees and asks if she wants to leave now and asks for the car keys so he can drive. Eli pauses and says they lost the baby. Eli asks if Jake will be there and Clare, confused, says she doesn't know and asks why. Clare says in a low voice that Sylvia Plath killed herself. In Finally (2), they said that they will continue a long distance relationship for the next year. Eli then tells her that he thinks they are dead. Clare pauses but doesn't get a chance to answer because Helen interrupts them and says Clare has to stay for dinner with Jake and Glen. When the three of them are sitting there Eli reveals to them that he is bipolar. She is still angry when Fitz appears behind them, sarcastically commending Eli on his 'nice trick' before bumping past him. First published in 1999, the groundbreaking Exile and Pride is essential to the history and future of disability politics. She finds him sleeping in her bed, and wakes him up. She's slightly comforted by that and Eli starts going into how he understands why Clare is obsessed Asher and adds, forgetting he said to the contrary in order to comfort her, that he had some insightful questions, saying he might marry him too. Clare corrects her and says it's not date, it's birthing class, and that they've high-fived because that's what strictly platonic co-parents do. She asks him what he's doing there, and he replies that he can't leave without trying to fix their relationship. Eclare, Eliare, Cleli, Goldwards Eli overheard her mother say it was the hospital, and asks if everything is ok, and Clare assures him things are fine. Eli is happy to hear this and says that that's good because he's going to go out on a serious limb here and is hoping to avoid further humiliation. Clare is immediately disappointed when Asher sends her away to get him coffee. Clare mirrors Alli's surprise. Eli isn't comfortable with talking and thinks about seeing Cam's body. Clare sees ALL of Eli after he strips down while on MDMA. When Alli receives a bouquet of flowers from "Eli" when it was really sent by Connor, she believes it's Eli's way of trying to get to Clare. After she wheels her bike away, stares angrily at him, and leaves, Eli shakes his head to himself and gets back to work. He frantically asks where she was and tells her how dangerous it was. They smile at each other and Eli turns, Clare looking at him, flustered. Adam then says that the two of them give him the runs and Eli says it's entertaining. He guesses that her heart-to-heart with Clare didn't go so well. Eli clears his throat and, like a child, Imogen puts coins on the counter in a huff. She shares that boys are three times more likely to end up in the ER than girls. She starts to cry and opens the door, demanding him to leave. Eli and Clare are seen walking into Clare's house together as she tells him she's so happy he's home. Outside, Eli and Clare approach each other, Eli says "Did anyone ever tell you you have pretty eyes?" Clare is determined to set some boundaries so she and Eli don't slip into old habits. If I _____ (go) out tonight, I _____ (go) to the cinema. Eli admits it was hard enough the first time. Age 16. He goes on about how your mind will trick you, and that he was the one who was wrong and he was the one who hurt people, implying he was talking about his relationship with Clare and jerking around Imogen. Helen is furious and tells him his dad will deal with it later. Clare comments that it's beautiful and Eli says that she is. The third time, he realizes that all the 'good plans' he had went wrong so they shouldn't sneak into Asher's office, but instead, she should talk to Ms. Oh. So you could just jump into bed with Drew Torres?" He asks Clare about the time where she wouldn't have sex with him because he was damaged and points at his penis and asks if he looks damaged to her. He announces that he is only going to be in the area for one more day, which makes Clare very upset. In Umbrella (2), Clare finds Eli waiting by her locker, and she wants to know the reason why he rejected her, and he says it's because of her faith. Eli says he'll text Clare later about this afternoon but Clare reminds him the school has a no cellphones policy now. Adam tells Eli to make it up to Clare by getting her a gift, Eli decides to get her internship back and goes go speak to Asher, Asher tells Eli, Clare is obsessed and in love with him and that's why she got fired. Clare sees Eli having a good time at the pool tables and drags Jake over to greet him. Clare comes to a decision that she needs some space from Eli. This gets Clare thinking and she takes a picture of some lingerie and sends the photo to Eli. Clare, Alli, and Jenna prepare for prom together in Clare's room. He gets down on one knee and gets a box out of his pocket. Clare, Eli Brilliant Imperfection: Grappling with Cure NC: Duke University Press. She continues saying that it's embarrassing. Eli and Clare share their first kiss during the kissing scene and Clare is eager to ask if they need another take but Eli says he thinks they got it. In Drop the World (1), Eli sprints to the school to find Clare, who is shocked to find that her name is listed as one of the authors in his new story, Stalker Angel. In When Love Takes Over, Eli teases Adam while Fiona auditions as Clare smiles on by saying he likes her and loves her, and encourages him to go for it with her. Fitz then apologizes to him. Eli suggests they share the bed head to feet. Clare wonders if Adam is okay since Fiona never showed. In Building A Mystery (2), Eli is telling Clare about his project feeling really good this morning and that Jake helped him get over his writers block, she kisses him goodbye and wishes him luck. He tells her he knew she dated "that lumberjack for like a second" but tells her it said she loved him and wanted to have sex with him. Eli tells Clare that they'll get through this before pulling her to him in a hug. Clare pauses and says "well" Eli tells her to go and that they'll always find their way back to each other. He explains that he's done with his exams, so he's going to look for a summer job. She smiles and wiggles her eyebrows. Eli responds by asking her if she's saying he's some heartless monster to which she blurts out "sometimes." He tells her that they need time apart because he can't get better. Clare is upset at her mom telling them but she assures her mom she broke up with Eli, she's fine, and she's happy to be there, though it is clear she's just putting up a front. Eli asks Clare if she has time for a spicy tuna roll before she goes back to class but Clare tells him she can't eat sushi because of the baby. Alli tells Dallas she knows they can make it work and she's excited for him but her problem isn't with that. In Try Honesty (1), Eli tells Clare about how Fitz snapped Morty's hood ornament off. Eli shows up at Clares house and explains why he hangs on to things. After their kiss, Clare goes and jumps in the conga line by Alli while Eli watches her. Alli is upset that Dallas messed up the boat booking. Clare is working at the Degrassi Family Feast when Eli comes up behind her. Eli says she thought he'd go crazy but Clare says instead she went crazy on her own. Eli hesitates and asks Clare if she's leaving with him. By the time Clare gets back, the interview is over and Asher tells Eli the article will be in tomorrow's paper. Clare doesn't want to deal with it and asks Eli to throw it out but Eli tells her to wait a minute because there's a reason people do it and thinks they should consider it. It aired on June 21, 2013. Dallas asks if it's from high school but Alli thinks it's from her. Adam disagrees but Eli asks why she would agree to do their play if she didn't. Drew approaches and asks Clare if she's okay because he's been calling non-stop to no answer. Eli comforts Clare after she tells him about Asher. Eli blames himself and admits that he really likes Clare but that he does not deserve to be happy and they drive away slowly. Clare showing Wesley her abstinence ring. I could go all the way with Jake - I am ready to make love to him! Later when Eli tries to apologize Adam, Adam asks him to hang out that night. They're no longer borther-sister. Eli looks to her and asks if she means their son. Clare tells him to go and have fun. Clare, who notices the weird behavior, says thanks awkwardly. Eli and Clare share a sweet kiss after Clare is told that Eli can now stay over until 10pm. Meanwhile, Imogen asks Eli if he wants to come see Jack cheer with and Eli asks if Clare will be there. No, I will not take a break. He tells her it's sleep time and refuses to get up. The doctor informs Clare she's 16 weeks and looks on in shock as she realizes this makes Eli the father. Clare tells him that he made Clara the hero, and Eli quickly says, "Because she is the hero." They then walk off, with Clare looking rather uncomfortable. and Eli exclaims "It's exciting!" Clare tells Eli that he should take something off too. Not only that, but they are allowed to stay out until 11pm since they don't have school tomorrow due to spring break. In I Wanna Be Adored, Alli takes Dallas, Connor, Jenna, and Drew through a proposed prom idea based on Van Gogh's Starry Night. Eli follows up with, "won't you be liable to slack if your early assignments aren't being marked?" Clare and Eli talk about the new play and firing Jake and they decide to talk at The Dot. Eli says it was the long distance, adding they barely made it though this year. Paige and Spinner didn't sleep together then, but they did at the end of season 5. Eli and Clare are on the road as Eli comes up with potential questions Columbia's admissions officer might ask her like, "our first year program is full, how do I propose I let you in?" In Sabotage (1), Clare is still lying to Eli about Asher and the internship, she meets him in the hallway and tells him she is late to her internship before kissing on the check goodbye. In Young Forever, Eli visits Clare after attended Adam's funeral. Clare says that's not necessarily true and turns to Eli and asks if he still sees his class. (Clare: "Okay. Irene professes that her refusal to tell John about Clare's black ancestry is due to racial loyalty. She tells him she's upset about the twitter trend #stuffclaresays, how everyone is tweeting what she says, and how Asher saw them when she didn't even say the stuff. Clare questions him about it and he says that it's too spicy and she wouldn't be able to handle it referring to how she got him out of the video yearbook because she believes he couldn't handle it. Translation of 'Sleep Talking' by Charlotte Lawrence (Charlotte Sarah Lawrence) from English to Chinese (Cantonese) Clare and Eli share a quick kiss while Jake watches. Eli is upset and goes to the abandoned church with his dads gun and a picture of him and Julia. Clare: Eli (seen in the show) Drew: Consensually, Bianca (Drew was drunk when he had sex with Katie; technically, she took advantage of him while he wasn't sober) K.C: Jenna (assumed) . He says that they've been though a lot but he knows that they're meant to be. Clare doesn't grab the binder so it falls to the floor. Eli tells her to stand still. Eli suggests they watch a movie after Clare's treatment is over for the day but Clare decides to go visit Paula instead. In Wishlist, Clare and Eli sit in The Dot and listen to Imogen's problems with Jack. He explains she's too far along for a natural abortion so her body will go into labor in the next two weeks or he can induce. She tells him she didn't. chance and has an appointment the following day in the morning. Clare thinks it's a sweet idea and Eli rolls his eyes, but Clare ignores Eli and smiles at Adam. Eli stares at her, motionless, for several seconds, and then runs out of the store to find Clare, leaving Imogen at The Dot. Villain, In class, Clare reveals to Alli that the baby is Eli's and Alli says she needs to tell them both the truth. Alli tells Clare she loves her but that she is delusional. He is told by Lenore to quickly end his video chat since there was a party. Eli smiles at learning it's a boy. Alli smiles and says she doesn't want to tell her she told her so. She gets a call from her mom once she gets there, expecting to be yelled at, but to her surprise her mom tells her that Eli is allowed to stay until 10pm from now on. She gets out of the car and asks what he's doing here. He says they should promise not to fight anymore and then she gives him a quick kiss before the bell rings. Then, Eli tells Clare that he talked to her mom and that she is allowed to travel with Eli and his family to the Gothic convention. He agrees and she then tells him she has cancer. He says it's okay and continues reading his edited story. Eli jokes about deflowering Clare in the spot where Adam was standing, which Clare quickly denies and tells him they only had a picnic and kissed, saying "c'est tout," which translates to "that's all." Eli says she can't fix things between them because there is no "them" anymore. However, she is a kind-hearted person and cares for her friends and is willing to defend them if need be. She stares for a bit longer, sad, and turns back to Eli. Eli says that he was really worried; she then tells him that she'd be worried if he wasn't. Irene decides she must not tell Clare or Brian about meeting John, and will do whatever it takes to keep John from discovering the truth about Clare. Worried ; she then tells him that she could use his help adding they made... Car and asks if he when do clare and eli sleep together n't planned for four years and their plans got defeated in one.... 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