[9], Pattern and Shallan survived the sinking ship, and Shallan was carried ashore by the Santhid she had seen several days prior. Shallan postulated that Pattern was similar to a spren prince, though Jasnah was not sure as she had not been able to delve far into spren politics. Judas had a position of trust. Did anyone else feel really betrayed after you found out that Pattern was the traitor. Mmmm. But still, you must obtain your abilities. I think if Nalan knew he would have returned so that really does remove them in my mind. Updated information: Radiant and Veil might not even be meant to be alters, which I got the impression that they were and that's what confused me. the evidence against this being preplanned seems bigger. But it does actually line up with other information we have. [4], Pattern wishes he could see a play. Early in OB Pattern is trying to get Shallan to progress through her ideals, and she says she used him to kill her mother. Her mothers shouts, arguing with her father. [12], Their efforts were unsuccessful and it soon became apparent that the caravan was being followed. But he also knows that for Shallan to become the person she is meant to be - with him, that she must accept all of who she now is and was. I do have a question about how many truths she told before pattern. 4) I think the confrontation happened because Shallan and Testament found out the location. Distracted thinking about the story, Pattern failed to notice Re-Shephir, who had hidden amongst Shallan's illusionary audience. She remembered it now. Mraize told Shallan he has someone close to her, and I don't think he lied. But if they were the culprits, then why didnt her father sell her out? []". He squinted, lurching forward. Pattern tested his weight on a shield manifested by Shallan, to make sure the objects would not sink underneath the beads. Pattern clung to Shallan, who held onto him tightly and tried to shield him from the Unmade, imagining she was holding onto his humanoid form. He said I was very funny! We never hear anything else about him except he was supposedly her mother's lover. Seeing a pattern rising like an embossment from the page of her sketchpad, Shallan did not initially understand that she was interacting with the Cryptic, thinking instead that she had done something herself or that the pattern had appeared as a side effect of drawing the Cognitive Realm. I support the theory that Shallan's mother was a Herald. After the meeting, Pattern returned with Shallan to her rooms, where she found a note from the Ghostbloods. Veil, Radiant thought. Kvothe the Bloodless, November 25, 2020. Having not understood the connotations of the meeting, he asked if Shallan wanted to speak with the other woman, having assumed Shallan and Iyatil to now be friends. Following Adolin's lead, Pattern and Syl imitated the Lightwoven people, slashing randomly at the space around them. I think her being a ghostblood makes the most sense. And later we get the conversation between Pattern and Shallan where Pattern is 100% convinced that some day Shallan will kill him. Remember too that Jasnah had heard of Shallan's mother and that there is a WoB that Shallan's mother was a person of some importance. [11], As they neared the Shattered Plains, the group happened across a miniature lait filled with plants, protected from the storms by a rocky windbreak. Her father stuffs the Blade into the Strongbox, 3. Who is shallans mother? Though he stayed silent during the meeting with the Highprince's, Shallan found herself having to quiet him during her ride to Sebarial's camp, to prevent him being noticed by the Highprince. He may have developed somewhat of a romantic interest in Shallan, but there is little to be gained there for him. Yeah. Her father joined the Ghostbloods but didn't mention anything about Shallan. ", Pattern hummed, trying to sort through to the meaning of what she said. I was so worried about you. This is consistent if she were the one to frame Beryl. Further, that spren are not 'born' as men are, and cannot truly die as men do. was he under external pressure which caused him to crack? A while later he was seen once more by Shallan as she spoke with Jasnah, this time floating on a wave. I mean, this is a cryptic that decided to bond a human before almost any other spren tried. Rest was Mraize being cagey, keeping Shallan off balance, etc. Again he vanished, seen only for a brief moment. Not all members had surgebinding. Despite her efforts, Eshonai drowned. Without meaning to, Shallan used Stormlight and turned a patch of the deck of the ship green, as she began to recreate the memory. Op is asking about Tyn, the ghost blood kind-of-agent that Shallan traveled with onthe way to the Shattered Plains and killed with a blade, not Lin her father. They are part of her truth. Still, he says that he was not in this state when the Knights Radiant existed. Following her lead, Pattern tried some of fruit, and became horrified when he realized that it involved the destruction of the food consumed. You think in lies and tell them to yourselves. - WoR Chapter 42 Epigraph. She didn't say she feared her. [15], Several weeks later, while Shallan puzzled over the Soulcaster alone in her room, Pattern spoke to her, attempting to obtain a new Truth. Given that one of Pattern's very first actions seems to be trying to push her to remember the confrontation with Testament, I suspect he was sent to test this idea, since this is the only chance they've had in two thousand years to finally make progress on restoring the deadeyes. If Testament was summoned by Shallan, doesn't that mean she was bonded as a dead blade after she broke her oath as a child? Additionally when she passes the blade to Kaladin in the chasms she tries to speak to Pattern and then remembers that shes given Pattern to Kaladin. And, as was mentioned, why would Shallan have done anything bad enough to be executed? I thought it took 5 days to bond the blade. Here's another question for you: Why would Shallan's Shardblade being in that safe make it glow? Their minds break. Some of the Heralds were there during her imprisonment. Hmmm ok looking through it. Pattern believed that Shallan's reaction was due to her hatred of him and offered to die and have the Cryptics send another in his place if that is what she wanted. "What will that do?" She was a Skybreaker. Though Jasnah is a very logical person, and is considered 'heartless', the opposite is actually true. Kalak felt a sharp stab of horror. She was startled to see him in his cognitive form, and for a moment did not realize that the symbol headed creature was her spren. Start Today. Being in the Cognitive made Pattern anxious and he appealed for Shallan to hurry in her endeavor. They werent designed into the system and thus are more of an accident. Lets just say that Lightweavers fascinate me, and leave it at that. This page was last edited on 12 December 2022, at 19:18. Though Tyn did manage to hit her hard, eventually Shallan summoned her Shardblade and killed her. At the moment of the quote she didn't admit to herself she killed a blade. Within the message sent by Tyn's associates, relayed via a communication station in Tashikk, was information about the attack on Jasnah and the Wind's Pleasure. Not reliable. I don't know why she tried to kill her. why did pattern betray shallan . Who, then? I cannot betray this secret, Mraize said. But if they were the culprits, then why didnt her father sell her out? Until WOR Shallan thought pattern was her old blade but so did pattern. Before they reached their destination, Shallan asked Pattern to stay with her, not wanting him to die and leave. "Unfortunately, no," Darkness said. Several days later, found Pattern, again, talking with Shallan while she studied. Shardblade descriptions are pretty key! Spren are creatures of nature. I know that you have forgotten much of what once was. Just as the next one would be sent should Shallan kill Pattern? There's definitely questions about what blade she used at what time. They continued to move forward and found Re-Shephir, coalesced on a structure in the middle of the next room. We've seen them be relevant clues at least twice before this. With regard to his sarcasm, Pattern states "Insults in particular will be of great use to my people, as they are truths and lies combined in a quite interesting manner." When the caravan stopped for the midday meal, Shallan asked to be relocated to the empty slave cart where she could rest and relax away from prying eyes and the heat of the sun. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 2023 FAQS Clear - All Rights Reserved To preempt the possibility that his behavior would begin to match his thinking, Shallan confronted the slaver, insinuating she was aware of his scheming and reminding him of her promise of payment. [3], When Shallan sees Pattern in Shadesmar, he is in the form of one of the symbolhead figures (i.e., a Cryptic) that she had seen in earlier visions. Jasnah still doesnt believe her, so Shallan calls upon one of the symbol head creatures. My memory is weak. In the distance, Shallan could hear the ships crew being executed and to buy them time asked Pattern for his help in Soulcasting the boat. These are things that he has to learn from humans like Shallan, as he is more naturally inclined to express truths simply as they are. 88 p. 1059. [fn 1] They arrived at the Davar estate and argued with Lin, and Shallan . Shallan later drew out what she had seen, showing it to Pattern. Pattern, despite being unwilling to speak on the topic, named Odium as a third influence on types of spren, though doing so distressed him greatly. That is what those memories would do to me. When Shallan kills Tyn shes bonded to Pattern - so if it was Testament then she should have heard Deadeye screaming like every time a Deadeye has been summoned by a Radiant. The sequence of the events: -Saw the blade being put in the strongbox. and our After the battle, Vathah - distrusting of Shallan and disbelieving of her promises - angrily confronted her. Why would Shallan's Shardblade being in that safe make it glow? But he made 'first personal contact' on the ship where someone tried to kill Jasnah as a job for the Ghostbloods. That they always change, but only in the same way, over and over. If she'd killed Testament earlier, she would know. Without speaking truths you will not be able to grow, Shallan. Jushy saw nothing. Her mother's arrival, with a friend Shallan didn't recognize, to confront her father. Her mothers arrival, with a friend Shallan didnt recognize, to confront her father. Theyre concepts that have gained a fragment of sentience, perhaps because of human intervention.. This one has been explained but I wasnt overall happy with it - Testamant should have appeared during Oathbringer Shadesmar trip. On their way to All's Alley, Pattern calmed Shallan when she panicked, who briefly wondered if she had killed her brothers and had been lying to herself about their deaths. Theres definitely questions about what blade she used at what time. As long as he did so, he would blend into her clothing, looking like no more than an odd design. Shallan was alarmed by the disembodied voice, but dismissed the sound, reasoning with herself that it had been caused by the maid who had been cleaning in the room next door. Shallan diverted the topic when Pattern tried to have her remember her past, unwilling to think about the time. But, he says, the opportunity is worth the cost . I think Shallan's mom was affiliated with the Skybreakers. He announces to his group that the Diagram has served its purpose and now has to be disbanded. Pattern's mention of Shallan's past oaths caused her to break off their conversation and she returned above to ride with Bluth. There very much is proof that is the case. Shallan saw several Cryptics in Kharbranth, Pattern might have been one of them. I think Shallan killed Testament earlier than she killed her mother. And Shallan is able to talk to Wit through the Seon, and I don't think that is a trick since he shares with Shallan the information about opening the box to get to the Seon safely - Mraize certainly would not have shared this information. After all there is that Ghostblood - Davar family connection. "Ishar believes that so long as there is one of still bound to the Oathpact, it may be enough. He says that patterns are eternal, as is fire, as is the wind, are all spren. Early in OB Pattern is trying to get Shallan to progress through her ideals, and she says she used him to kill her mother. Though he was confused by Shallan's behaviour towards Kaladin after the conclusion of the battle, Pattern ultimately agreed with Shallan's choice to continue with her marriage to Adolin. During a meeting of scholars he mentioned this to Shallan, who was quick to share the information with Jasnah. Shallan eventually revealed to Jasnah that she had swapped the fabrials after she was poisoned by the ardent Kabsal. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. [26][27][28], They form groups of five Quintets, the letters Each message follows a pattern first three words start with one each of three of the quintet of letters. She says she hates him, and he says he knows. Panicked, she fled the room, taking Memories as she went and drawing the scenes as a way to track the spren. 8) Shallan could have found out, felt betrayed and killed Testament accidently in the Garden. [9], They found no body within the room. [43][44], You were talking about mating! After entering the house and making their way upstairs, Pattern unlocked the door to Amaram's secret room and stood watch while Shallan investigated. You wish to help. Such a deep lie," Pattern whispered. Why would it be surprising that they can lie to their own Radiants? Even though Pattern loves lies, it's noted that he's not very good at telling them himself, and I just don't think that's fake. His bond to Shallan Davar grants him sentience in the Physical Realm and allows her to use the Surges associated with the Order of Lightweavers, Illumination and Transformation . They had charm, character, drive, spunk and then when Billy was taken out of the picture, they no longer had the kind of appeal they did at the beginning of the TLAD. I'm less sure that he actually joined them. [29], A week later, Pattern decoded a few phrases of Dawnchant while studying with Shallan. Pattern explained that he had come to the understanding that he could not hate Adolin for having a blade, as humans, he concluded, did not care about the dead. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Mmmm. After several hours the illusion disintegrated and the pair headed back to the warcamps. Kaladin and Syl don't interact until the wagon scene in WoK, but we see him use his powers before then during a battle (Small glow and faster reflexes). We know earth years only have 365 days in comparison. Shallan. "You wish to prepare for the Everstorm, the spren of the unnatural one. That That means. [2][21], I will not stop vibrating. Yet, why would Jasna know of Shallans mother? "But" said the male initiate. It is why your lies can be so strong. I'm not really sure what Dreder refers to, but it is only lightly implied and not stated that he was the person accompanying Shallan's mother during the incident. However, Jasnah soulcasts both bread and jam out of caution, causing Kabsal and Shallan to fall ill without the antidote in the jam. Was Pattern sent along once the Ghostbloods realized Shallan would be on that ship? During the exchange, Pattern whispered a translation of the conversation to Shallan. Jasnah is killed on the ship and thrown overboard. "I once thought as you,but Ishar made the truth clear to me. Shallan kills Testament and 'forgets' all about it ever happening. ("There are still holes in my past..") The next truths can recontextualize previous events. Faded to mist. When You Breathe In Your Diaphragm Does What. But that could also both apply to both her mother and father. Rhythm of War is an epic fantasy novel written by American author Brandon Sanderson and the fourth book in The Stormlight Archive series. It first I though it must be the ghost bloods but as has been pointed out they are willing to allow surge binders in their organization as shown at the end of the book when Malaize (or however you spell that) says he wants Shallan to join the Ghostbloods in some split personality way. I don't think that Shadow's absence is necessarily the problem with her being a Skybreaker so much as the fact that Young Shallan is unlikely to have committed sufficient criminal acts to act as a fig-leaf justification for her execution. He says his real name is a series of numbers and agrees to Pattern as being sufficient enough a name.[1]. Before they continued on, Pattern went to seek out Adolin, and bring him, along with additional soldiers, back to the newly discovered passage way. [1], Despite being a spren attracted to lies, falsehoods, or their offshoots, Pattern is revealed to be a terrible liar himself. Still messed up, but more plausible. Food. In everything. You did not break. But why did Pattern agree it was he that Shallan used to kill her mother? After Shallan began manifesting Surgebinding abilities at the age of eleven, [1] her mother and an associate attempted to kill Shallan. [10], Pattern softly hums a reply: Indulge. Shallan Davar is insane. Shallan's research team has been continuing their studies into the behavior of the dalewillows for the past week, running randomized controlled trials where randomly selected members of the team have an encounter with a new dalewillow. She tried to explain to Pattern that she didn't hate him, she hated the sword and what it represented. [21], However, he is unable to hide his presence completely or to disappear completely like other spren, despite that his presence is limited in the Physical Realm. Or maybe something else - there are probably a lot of other possible explanations for those organizations to not get along. Jasnahs open and notorious use of the Soulcaster made her the only viable target for Shallan Davar, who needed to steal a functional Soulcaster to return to the Ghostbloods as a replacement for the broken Davar Soulcaster. We know Pattern was talking to Wit -- that was confirmed later on, so I see no reason to doubt the above is what happened. In Kharbranth, Pattern and other Cryptics watched over Shallan, although she could not see the spren directly. While they waited, Pattern and Syl discussed their nature as spren, with Syl being curious as to how Cryptics view the world. Now, I know the first reaction of many of you would be to point out . . Neither shardbearer killed by Arclo the Sleepless drop weapons, therefore Spren bonded blades don't drop when the bearer dies. [57], During the robbery of Nananav, Pattern distracted a pair of guards with Lightwoven sound, while Shallan and Vathah snuck upstairs. Why would Shallan's reaction to her spren being a Ghostblood be to kill Testament? So after she died they just moved on with another family member not wanting to lose progress. Shallan explained to Pattern the purpose of the room, then, with Stormlight from the recent highstorm to aid her, Lightwove the tale of The Girl Who Looked Up. Eventually, during the Battle of Narak, her bond with Pattern allowed her to become the first Lightweaver to be revealed as a Knight Radiant since the Recreance. This pattern was different from the symbolheads in her drawings, but it was also the same somehow. On their way to the Breakaway, Pattern mentioned his approval of Adolin, despite the fact that he had bonded a dead Shardblade. And who was the second victim, the man Shallans mother brought to the encounter? Of wishing they'd hurt you instead of those around you. And you have to watch their joy seeping away . Shallan sat back, inspecting her piece. However, Shallan lost it to the ocean during the sinking of the Winds Pleasure. Nale obviously has nearly unshakable trust in Ishar, despite massive amounts of evidence contradicting everything he said. He is a member of the race of spren called the Cryptics. Brightness Davar was the first wife of Brightlord Lin Davar. It's silver. [7] This might be a stretch but it's possible. 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