Pakistan came into existence on 14th august 1947. The Fundamental Aim Behind This, To Provide The Quality Of Knowledge To The Aspirants. It resulted serious dislocation for Pakistan in its economic life. Moreover, the answer is written on the same pattern, taught by Sir to his students, scoring the highest. March 16, 2010. (c) Government spends more than it earns as Revenues. Ferozepur had a Muslim majority and the Pakistanis had evidence to suggest that Radcliffe had originally awarded it to Pakistan but had been forced by Lord Mountbatten to change his mind. Representatives of Punjab Boundary Commission, From Pakistan, Justice Din Muhammad and Justice Muhammad Munir. Soon after its establishment Pakistan faced number of problems. Foreign states are using LSS system. Since the time of establishment, Pakistan has to go through so many of the issues and problems that were somehow the biggest challenge to resolve out. Communal violence that had already started reached to its height after the announcement of Redcliff Award on 16tn August 1947. But in 1940, Quaid-e-Azam declared Urdu and Urdu alone would be the national language of Pakistan. The largest princely states to join Pakistan were Bahawalpur, Khairpur, and Kalat. Once you are subscribed to our newsletter, you will get the latest updates and features on the website. Gurdaspur also had a Muslim majority. The state seems to give up her responsibility and totally relying on private sector. This was to make room for Sikhs migrating from the West. Others fled from violence and often arrived in their new country with nothing at all. In Pakistan, the Constituent Assembly members were mostly wealthy landowners with little political experience. then war broke out over Kashmir. Education is very important for every human being. 3.The Massacre of Muslim Refugees in India . It should be around 7% of the total GDP. You will get quality. At the time of Partition the subcontinents 565 princely states were ruled by Nawabs, Nizams, and Maharajas. Get original paper in 3 hours and nail the task. Orthodox historians credit the creation of Pakistan to Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the leader of the All India Muslim League, and his determination to create a sovereign state for Indian Muslims. Pakistan lacked both the administrative and the government machinery to run the affairs of a new country. This Website Was Founded In June 2020. Why the Initial Consultation Is So Important? The princely states of Dir, Swat, Chitral Amb, Hunza, Gilgit and Bahawalpur also joined Pakistan. Pakistan also faced problems in getting military equipment and records. Infect most of these problems were deliberately created by India itself so that Pakistan would not maintain its independent status and soon merged with India. Dispute was finally settled when an agreement called Indus Basin treaty. Lack of permanent constitution laid to the corrupt interference in democratic progress of Pakistan. Education provides the ladder for achieving success in life and enables us to utilize skills and caliber in a constructive way. Unfortunately, this vision was never transformed into reality; the nation created as a home for the British Indias Muslims six decades ago today represent one of the world most troubling states in crisis (Crisis Guide: Pakistan).Why cant Pakistan flourish? 750 million but the Indian govt. The Muslim Nawab governing Junagadh, Hyderabad Deccan was the largest and richest state ruled by Muslim leader Nizam who, decided to remain independent. Constitutional Problem. However, this view has been contested by a number of historians, who place responsibility for the partition on the political manoeuvring of the Congress and the constitutional reforms of the British Raj. Education plays a vital role in human capital formation. But reports coming from other places made the minorities fearful. It was believed that he was trying to win independence for his state and so he delayed joining either Pakistan or India. You will get quality content about CSS and PMS through my Channel Exploring CSS and PMS. Most of the problems of Pakistan were related with Pakistan dispute with India, such as the accession of the princely states, canal Water dispute, refugees' problems and distribution of armed and military assets. But Supreme efforts were made by the Quiad-e-Azam and his colleagues to grapple with the situation .His golden principles Unity Faith and Discipline gave way to Pakistan for a bright future of a strong and well developed country .In his last message to the nation on 14th August 1948, he told the nation: The foundation of your state has been laid and it is now for you to build and build as quickly and as you can.. As we all know that Pakistan was turned into the separate state and land after so long struggle and freedom fight movement. Each state had its own laws, collected its own taxes, and in some cases kept its own army. He declared that Pakistan has come to exist for ever; but the new nation faced many initial problems before it could feel secure. The arrival of refugees created problem for both the countries but the issue was more serious in the nascent state of Pakistan that was already facing no of problems. This cause a great anarchy in Kashmir and Maharaja signed a secret document and give Kashmir accession to india and flew to England. Now customize the name of a clipboard to store your clips. Pakistan was not compromised of a single united people and there was much work to do in convincing everyone of the wisdom of joining the new state. Of the three wars fought between India and Pakistan, two were a result of Pakistan's incursion in the Indian-controlled territory. These people had different traditions, cultures, languages and lifestyle. The Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan says, The state of Pakistan shall remove illiteracy and provide free and compulsory secondary education within minimum possible period.. Report "Initial Problems of Pakistan" Please fill this form, we will try to respond as soon as possible. These all are brain blasting and heart pinching for all true Pakistanis., On the 18, July 1947 India declared its independence from the British Empire after almost 200 years of being rule over the country. Although Hyderabad State was completely surrounded by Indian territory the Nizam. Biswas. But the down trodden condition of education in Pakistan bears an ample testimony of the fact that it is unable to defend its own sector. the British system of government had given these diverse people very little opportunity to participate in government. In 1958 a temporary agreement was reached between the two countries and the World Bank, and finally, in September 1959, the Indus water treaty was signed and the problem resolved. India attacked, When Pakistan came into existence, it mostly consisted of economically backward and, underdeveloped areas. incomprehensible and even perverse award. It caused economic and administrative problems, as Pakistan did not have sufficient resources to provide food, shelter and medical aid to the growing no of refugees. Pakistan was mainly made up of five different regions. Some of the initial, The first problem that Pakistan had to face was to choose a capital to form a Government and, to establish a secretariat. Many. Lecture 16 constitutional and political developments in pakistan (1947 1969) Lecture 18 separation of east pakistan 1971, Efforts for resolving problems and national solidarity, India After Independence Suruchi kumari 050. Pakistan in particular, as a new and not wealthy country, did not have the necessary facilities to house millions of new citizens. Indeed the country was split into two separate parts almost a thousand miles apart. This is an Essay on "Democracy in Pakistan" for CSS, PMS, and Judiciary Examinations. In the Punjab, both Ferozpur and Gurdaspur were given to India. It would not be wrong to say that the creation of Pakistan was named out to be one of the biggest victories in the democratic idea of the life. Unfair Boundary Distribution 3.Division of Military Assets 4.Division of financial assets: 5. Pakistan is facing a health crisis with rising rates of heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and other non-communicable diseases (NCDs), which disproportionately affect poor families, with possible side effects of disability and premature death, and worsening poverty as people pay for medical treatment out of their own pockets. Following are the problems in education in Pakistan. The lack of technical education is a biggest flaw in the educational policy that has never been focused before. Thanks: 842 Thanked 1,879 Times in 593 Posts List of All Problems of Pakistan Most Important Problems 1. problems of Pakistan were related with Pakistan dispute with India. My thoughts are those valiant fighters in our cause who readily sacrificed all they had, From its very inception, Pakistan faced a large number of problems. Welcome to my YouTube Channel Exploring CSS and PMS. The two wings of Pakistan were separated by about a thousand miles of land that belonged to India. Challenges to Pakistan's Economy. Regional Disparity 3. Unfortunately, the banks and, other financial institutions were located in Indian territory. Even in areas where there had been no communal violence, there was tension. Good relations and cooperation with any organization working for same With thanks to CSS e Guide __________________ Ahmad Shakeel Babar . Copyright 2023. Most of the problems of Pakistan were related with Pakistan dispute with India, such as the accession of the princely states, canal Water In a planned move, Muslims properties were set on fire and they were compelled to leave India for Pakistan with, nothing but their lives. Unfortunately those rumours were true and up to one million men women and children are believed to have died in terrible events of 1947. Education starts from the mothers lap. The violence ranged from attack on property and arson to mob violence in which the most terrible acts were carried out. At the time of partition there were 462 princely states in subcontinent that cover 1/3 of Indian Territory and 1/4 of its population. It makes one able to understand what is happening around us logically and clearly. All Rights Reserved. If this problem is cured well, then our country can easily overcome all other problems. India was split up on the bases of religion which has created bitter relations between the populations of these three countries., When India achieved independence from Britain in 1947, the country split into two regions; with certain regions consisting of at least 75% Muslims; were to become Pakistan, while the rest would shape India. As the medium of education offered by all institutes is not the same, it leads to conflicts among the classes and sense of deprivation especially among the poor ones. Allocation of funds should be made easy from provinces to districts and then to educational institutes. Economic Problems 6.Issue of national language 7.Electricity Problem Junagadh 9. Karachi was chosen as the capital of Pakistan. CSS Solved Pakistan Affairs; CSS Solved Islamiat; CSS Political Science; Muslims regiments went to Pakistan and non-Muslims to India. Libya Italy war 4. Representatives of Bengal boundary Comission. But some states were cause to problems. Early problems of Pakistan or initial problems of Pakistan were in various directions. The SlideShare family just got bigger. Some of the initial symptoms of infection include: fever, malaise, headache, vomiting, nuchal rigidity, and pain in the limbs. India eventually agreed to pay 60 million rupees in lieu of handing over ordinance factories and this was used by the Pakistani government to build an ordinance factory at Wah. By accepting, you agree to the updated privacy policy. So New Generations Better Perform For The Coming Challenges. Gandhi was determined that the division of assets should be as fair as possible. Millions of refugees were killed before they reached Pakistan. Soon trains began arriving at the destinations filled with dead bodies. At the time of establishment of Pakistan the Government of India Act 1935 became the, working constitution of Pakistan with certain adaptions. The outcome of this class difference is that English medium schools students learn least about Islam but they gather a sound knowledge of outside world. East West Knowledge Website Was Designed For The Students Of All Competition Exams. The Canal Water issue of Pakistan had its origins in the partition of Punjab in 1947. officials who had opted for Pakistan from Delhi to Karachi. The railways were stopped and Junagadh State ran short of food. The allocation of funds for education is very low. What the Indian government hoped was that by withholding the money, Pakistan would become bankrupt. Soon after its, establishment Pakistan faced number of problems. I am going to analyse each interpretation of the event and question the true causes for partition., After independence from the British in 1947, President Mohammad Ali Jinnahs vision for Pakistan was very clear: he wanted peace, good governance, tolerance and a state able to adhere to a rule of law. Pakistan has made numerous demands that the United Nations Organization resolve the dispute, but so far, it has been impossible to reach agreement. They promised to give Pakistan Rs. But Pakistan was to face many more problems. The water problem was one that the new country had to address urgently. Pakistan came into being as a free Muslim state in quite unfavorable circumstances .It had no resources, it had no resources, it had to build up its administrative machinery from a scratch. It was agreed that the assets were to be divided on the ratio of 17 to India and 5 to Pakistan. Early problems of Pakistan or initial problems of Pakistan were in various directions. 3. However each was subject to Crown Rule. 5. After a civil war, the Bengal region of East Pakistan, separated at a considerable distance from the rest of Pakistan, became the independent state of Bangladesh in 1971., Give a background about India Pakistan Separation Movement, the situations that led to the partition of the Indian subcontinent, Pakistan came into being on the 14th of August 1947 as the largest Islamic country of the world, after the landslide victory of All India Muslim League in the 1946 elections. Arrangements were to be made to bring the. (document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(hs); ' is attempted by Ehtisham Akbar, the top scorer in CSS Criminology paper. The Hindu Dogra Rule, who was secretly with the Government of India, declared Kashmir as, a part of India. But due to noncooperation of India, this problem is still unsolved. requirements? Initial Difficulties of Pakistan: From its very inception, Pakistan faced a large number of problems. That not only harms the quality of education but creates a gap among haves and has not. refugees' problems and distribution of armed and military assets. Infect most of these problems were deliberately created by India, itself so that Pakistan would not maintain its independent status, and soon merged with India. Choice of Capital and Establishment of Government: The first problem that Pakistan had to face was to choose a capital to form a Government and to establish a secretariat. Activate your 30 day free trialto continue reading. Analysis of the Boundary Award The military supplies which India agreed to hand over did not arrive at times, or when they did, they were often old ,worn, damaged and obsolete. Artillery divisions: Pakistan was given 8 and India 40. Over 10 million people had removed from India to Pakistan or in the other direction by January 1948. determination but due to non-cooperation of India, Kashmir issue still remain unsolved. Email. Econometrics - FACTORS EFFECTING UNEMPLOYMENT, Organizational development (Knowledge management), STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (IMPLEMENTATION IN SMIU), Ayala_David_Alumno1_Lema_Henry_Alumno2. Soon after its establishment Pakistan faced number of problems. Water Shortage 4. AL RAZI ? Pakistan received only 200 million Rupees. Sub-district of Ajnala in Amritsar district It is also true, however, that atrocities were carried out by Muslims as a tide of communal hatred swept across the subcontinent in late 1947. Weve updated our privacy policy so that we are compliant with changing global privacy regulations and to provide you with insight into the limited ways in which we use your data. seminary system imparting children solely with religious education and no emphasis on modern studies, producing a generation that knows well about religion but is deprived of essential modern education. Learn faster and smarter from top experts, Download to take your learnings offline and on the go. However, the Muslim-dominated region of Kashmir was disputed and split between the two countries, while Pakistan believes it belongs entirely within its borders. Technical education must be given to all the classes. To overcome the shortage of water World Bank, India and other friendly countries provided Pakistan financial assistance to construct two dams, five barrages and seven link canals Division of military and financial assets, In order to embarrass Pakistan financially, india did a lot of dishonesty in the matters of Pakistan which were concerned with its benefits. MUSLIM SCIENTIST IBN HAYTHAM? This continues at higher education level as well, e.g. a number of steps to overcome the administrative problems of the new state. (f) We Face Energy and Water Shortages. 750 million but the, Indian Government refused to give. Neither side was strong enough for a long war in January 1948 the matter was referred to the UNO. However, new Indian dams and canals frequently restricted supplies. Middle class go to a bit more affordable private institutes and the poor ones are left behind who then join the government institutes, with poor educational faculties. Role of Quaid Updated Strategy 1. This led to more orderly evacuation of refugees from one country to the other, but it did not completely end the violence. But the initial problems of Pakistan created by partition are exemplified by the fact that in 1947, Pakistan did not have a single jute mill. Ratio of Gender Discrimination 4. We encourage visitors to the forum to report any objectionable message in site feedback. Swat, Chitral Amb, Hunza, Gilgit and Bahawalpur also joined Pakistan problem was one that the of! A result of Pakistan: from its very inception, Pakistan would become bankrupt, from,... 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