The novel as a whole is one of the longest ever written,[9] with 655,478 words in the original French. As you will have noticed, the bishop kept only a thousand livres for himself which, added to Mademoiselle Baptistines pension, meant fifteen hundred francs a year. Meanwhile, Cosette informs Marius that she and Valjean will be leaving for England in a week's time, which greatly troubles the pair. One of the strangers was a man who had stolen a loaf of bread, similar to Jean Valjean. None of the adaptations can do the book justice. New York: Signet Classics / Penguin Random House, 2013. She leads him to Valjean's and Cosette's house on Rue Plumet, and Marius watches the house for a few days. Madame Thnardier is furious with Valjean, while her husband makes light of Valjean's behaviour, caring only that he pay for his food and lodging. Marius climbs to the top of the barricade, holding a torch in one hand, a powder keg in the other, and threatens to the soldiers that he will blow up the barricade. Greedy and tight. I've been reading Les Misrables (aka "The Brick") since the beginning of this month and I'm really enjoying it so far, 900 pages in. Marius slowly recovers from his injuries. Youve got my place and Ive got yours. In the old days, that was standard for bishops.Youre right, Madame Magloire! the bishop agreed. He informs Valjean that he cannot release Cosette without a note from the child's mother. Captures the poetic, thoughtful nature of Hugos writing without feeling hard work to read. A brilliant piece of translation. "[33] The Goncourt brothers judged the novel artificial and disappointing. Yes there are English translations of Les Miserables. Notes: A translation of Let Some Mysterious Chunk of Space Debris Puncture the Roof and Set Me Free by Dendroica. After the wedding, Valjean confesses to Marius that he is an ex-convict. I have read the below translations: Wilbour. After ponine's release from prison, she finds Marius at "The Field of the Lark" and sadly tells him that she found Cosette's address. Yes there are English translations of Les Miserables. Oh, these bloody clergy! The book which the reader has before him at this moment is, from one end to the other, in its entirety and details a progress from evil to good, from injustice to justice, from falsehood to truth, from night to day, from appetite to conscience, from corruption to life; from bestiality to duty, from hell to heaven, from nothingness to God. I've read it, as have millions of other English speakers, and highly recommend it. L. Gauthier wrote in Le Monde of 17 August 1862: "One cannot read without an unconquerable disgust all the details Monsieur Hugo gives regarding the successful planning of riots. When Fantine arrives at Montfermeil, she leaves Cosette in the care of the Thnardiers, a corrupt innkeeper and his selfish, cruel wife. He sees a figure running away in the dim light. The soldier fires, fatally wounding the man, while missing Marius. Helpful. This edition contains a few errors of translation and more than a few moments in which I had to turn back to Hugos original. Thnardier decides to kill Valjean. Social problems go beyond frontiers. at the best online prices at eBay! She begs to be released so that she can provide for her daughter, but Javert sentences her to six months in prison. The men abandon the women, treating their relationships as youthful amusements. As I mentioned last time, I've picked up a new translation of Les Misrables, the 2013 Donougher translation. He finds Cosette fetching water in the woods alone and walks with her to the inn. Distraught to find Cosette gone, he heeds the voice and goes. It's the one I have, and about halfway in it was quite good. She had never been pretty, but her entire life, which had been merely a succession of holy works, had ended up laying a sort of whiteness and brightness over her; as she aged, she had gained what you could describe as the beauty of goodness. Monseigneur hasnt even claimed the money the dpartement owes him for the upkeep of his carriage in town and his rounds in the diocese. Mme. It makes it seem modern and real. Having been the servant of Monsieur le cur, she now went by the double title of personal maid to Mademoiselle and housekeeper to Monseigneur.9Mademoiselle Baptistine was a tall, pale, thin, sweet person, the personification of that ideal expressed by the word respectable; for it seems a woman must be a mother to be esteemed. If Im remembering correctly, he also makes some alterations to the original French text - mostly inconsequential, but he modifies the structure slightly and removes/adds text in places. [36] The Catholic Church placed it on the Index Librorum Prohibitorum.[37]. 2. One of the students, Marius Pontmercy, has become alienated from his family (especially his royalist grandfather M. Gillenormand) because of his Bonapartist views. She was more of a spirit than a virgin. A masterpiece of literature. Marius lives there as well, next door to the Thnardiers. The only problem I had with the Donougher was the decision to go with an english title. Hugo does not give the narrator a name and allows the reader to identify the narrator with the novel's author. Monsieur Myriel was the son of a councillor of the Aix parliament, a member of the noblesse de robe.2 They reckoned his father had put him down to inherit his position and so had married him off very early in the piece when he was only eighteen or twenty, as they used to do quite a lot in parliamentary families. 16 answers. Later, Fantine's body is unceremoniously thrown into a public grave. Hes fixed up all his charities. Overview. Myriel tells Valjean that his soul has been purchased for God, and that he should use money from the silver candlesticks to make an honest man of himself. That saidand remembering that choosing a translation is to a certain extent a matter of personal tastehere is a list of major translations of Les Misrables, with some of the reasons why I would recommend first Donoughers, then either Roses or Fahnestock and MacAfees, then Dennys, and, finally, Wilboursbut only for people who like to read nineteenth-century American style: Christine Donougher, translator. Heres three thousand livres for us. I'm reading the Hapgood (1887) translation because it's on Project Gutenberg. One has to proceed on horseback. A new translation by Julie Rose of Hugos behemoth classic that is as racy and current and utterly arresting as it should be. The Buffalo News (editors choice), Lively, dramatic, and wonderfully readable. Alison Lurie, Pulitzer Prizewinning author of Foreign Affairs, Splendid . Valjean and Cosette flee to Paris. He travels to attend the trial and there reveals his true identity. They arrive to find Valjean near death and reconcile with him. No, It's Not Actually the French Revolution: Les Misrables and History. So what do you recommend? Valjean, feeling responsible because his factory turned her away, promises Fantine that he will bring Cosette to her. Valjean (Mayor Madeleine) intervenes and orders Javert to release her. Thnardier regrets that he did not bring his gun and turns back toward home. Les Misrables: If you just want the novel without supplements, get the Signet Classic translation by Lee Fahnestock and norman macAfee, which is a revision of the first translation of Les Mis by Charles Wilbour. It is during this time that Valjean manages to free himself. In addition, Donoughers detailed historical, cultural, and literary notes greatly help readers understand Hugos many references. I only have two copies, one of Donougher and Hapgood. Even the bridge over the Durance at Chteau-Arnoux7 can barely take a bullock-drawn cart. His grandfather seems stern and angry, but has been longing for Marius's return. I'm guessing that Penguin realized it was a mistake, and that the unfamiliar anglicized title hurt sales. It was in the dining room, which was a long and superb gallery on the ground floor opening onto the grounds, that Monseigneur Henri Puget had, on July 29, 1714, ceremoniously fed the ecclesiastical dignitaries, Charles Brlart de Genlis, archbishop prince of Embrun, Antoine de Mesgrigny, Capuchin bishop of Grasse, Philippe de Vendme, grand prior of France, abb of Saint-Honor de Lrins, Franois de Berton de Crillon, bishop baron of Vence, Csar de Sabran de Forcalquier, lord bishop and lord of Glandve, and Jean Soanen, priest of the oratory, preacher in ordinary to the king, lord bishop of Senez.2 The portraits of these seven reverend fathers embellished the dining room and the memorable date of July 29, 1714, was engraved there in gold lettering on a white marble panel.The hospital was a low, narrow, single-story house with a small garden.Three days after his arrival, the bishop visited the hospital. like. Valjean denies knowing Thnardier and tells him that they have never met. Very dated in its style and too often showing a true lack of understanding of French (tu, for instance, is not thou), Hapgoods translation includes too many senseless renderings of Hugos French. The bishop fell silent for a moment, then suddenly turned to the hospital director.Monsieur, he said, how many beds do you think you could get in this room alone?Monseigneurs dining room? cried the astonished director.The bishop sized up the room, giving the impression he was taking measurements and making calculations by eye alone.It could easily hold twenty beds! he mumbled, as though talking to himself. There are eight English translations of Les Miserables, shown below in chronological order. Some have stated that the language he uses is less true to the French version, but I believe he captured the spirituality, and this other-worldly quality of the novel the best of all the translations. He evades a police patrol, and reaches an exit gate but finds it locked. She seemed a mere shadow with scarcely enough of a body to have a gender; just a bit of matter bearing a light, with great big eyes always lowered to the ground, an excuse for a spirit to remain on earth.Madame Magloire was a little old lady, white skinned, plump, round, busy, always wheezing, first because of always bustling about and second because of her asthma.When he first arrived, Monsieur Myriel was set up in his episcopal palace with all the honors required by imperial decree, which ranked bishops immediately after field marshals.10 The mayor and the president of the local council were the first to visit him, and on his side, he made his first visits to the general and the chief of police.Once he had moved in, the town waited to see their bishop on the job.II. The next morning, Valjean informs the Thnardiers that he wants to take Cosette with him. This pierced shaving-dish was still to be seen in 1848, in the Rue du Contrat-Social, at the corner of the pillars of the market." However, a man covers the muzzle of the soldier's gun with his hand. . Cookie Notice Examining the nature of law and grace, the novel elaborates upon the history of France, the architecture and urban design of Paris, politics, moral philosophy, antimonarchism, justice, religion, and the types and nature of romantic and familial love. [11] The topics Hugo addresses include cloistered religious orders, the construction of the Paris sewers, argot, and the street urchins of Paris. [15], Valjean's character is loosely based on the life of the ex-convict Eugne Franois Vidocq. The Editor's Preface announces its intention of correcting errors in Wilbour's translation. In many ways, the best translation is the one that you enjoy. Marius decides to go to the smaller barricade, which he finds empty. Hugo imagined the life of the man in jail and the mother and daughter taken away from each other. A translation from 1887 published in various formats. Bluebottle: Do you and your children just want an easily accessible translation, or do you want something that does its best to faithfully preserve nuance. He sends Gavroche to deliver it to her, but Gavroche leaves it with Valjean. None of the adaptations can do the book justice. I don't think I want to see the play/movie. Thnardier, Patron-Minette and Brujon manage to escape from prison with the aid of Gavroche (a rare case of Gavroche helping his family in their criminal activities). Richmond, Virginia, 1863. However, several alternatives have been used, including The Miserables, The Wretched, The Miserable Ones, The Poor Ones, The Wretched Poor, The Victims, and The Dispossessed. The palace was truly a mansion fit for a lord. He has known only one other man, a convict named Jean Valjean, who could accomplish it. Modern English, very readable, well-footnoted. The narrator occasionally injects himself into the narrative or reports facts outside the time of the narrative to emphasize that he is recounting historical events, not entirely fiction. This introduces a meditation on memories of past places that his contemporary readers would recognize as a self-portrait written from exile: "you have left a part of your heart, of your blood, of your soul, in those pavements." Valjean takes Cosette and they try to escape from Javert. The two respectable translations of Les Misrables are by Lee Fahnestock and norman MacAfee from Signet Classics (a revision of the first translation by Charles Wilbour from 1862, unabridged with a smattering of notes), and Christine Donougher from Penguin Classics (heavily annotated), which may in time become the definitive Les Mis. More on the movie when I have a moment to collect my. 1887 - Isabel Florence Hapgood 1976 - Norman Denny 1987 - Wilbour revised by Lee Fahnestock and Norman MacAfee 2007 - Julie Rose 2013 - Christine Donougher The work was a commercial success and has been a popular book ever since it was published. Valjean escapes through the sewers, carrying Marius's body. ]8 As for me, Im for Caesar alone. And so on and so forth.Madame Magloire, on the other hand, was delighted.Hooray! she said to Mademoiselle Baptistine. Mountain Goats "Pigs That Ran Straightaway Into the Water, Triumph Of" . As he searches Valjean and Marius's pockets, he surreptitiously tears off a piece of Marius's coat so he can later find out his identity. I'm at the point where Valjean is about to steal the silver (spoilers!). As there is always more misery at the bottom of the ladder than there is fraternity at the top, everything was given away, so to speak, before it was received, like water on thirsty soil. Surprisingly Javert agrees, assuming that Marius will be dead within minutes. Meanwhile, the Thnardiers' monetary demands continue to grow. The first, by Charles E. How is Les Misrables pronounced? Published by West and Johnston publishers. One critic has called this "the spiritual gateway" to the novel, as its chance encounter of Thnardier and Colonel Pontmercy foreshadows so many of the novel's encounters "blending chance and necessity", a "confrontation of heroism and villainy". Valjean escapes, is recaptured, and is sentenced to death. It's well written and clearly imaginable descriptions of locations and the people that lived there. In private he castigated it as "repulsive and inept" ("immonde et inepte"). ponine then tells Marius that she has a letter for him. This is your rightful home, here.The next day, the twenty-six poor were moved into the bishops palace and the bishop was at the hospital.Monsieur Myriel had no property, his family having lost everything in the Revolution. Quite simply, she loved him and revered him. This is the best translation of the novel available in English, as recommended by David Bellos in The Novel of the Century. Which translation of "Les Misrables" do you recommend? Read the Great Books with Hardcore Literature: (Subscribe to the Hardcore Literature Podcast on iTunes \u0026 Spotify) (Hardcore University, Exam Preparation Courses) Hardcore Literature Merch My Personal Website Hardcore Literature Lecture SeriesContents Page: Anna Karenina: Crime and Punishment: Persuasion: In Search of Lost Time: The Heros Journey: Siddharta: Don Quixote: Sonnets: reading!Norman Denny 1976 translation: Donougher 2013 translation: E. Wilbour 1862 translation: Les Misrables Translations I read Les Misrables about two years ago. Valjean fakes his own death by allowing himself to fall into the ocean. It was even translated into various languages including Greek, Italian and Portuguese. Thnardier to get Cosette. Thnardier accepts the offer, and he and Azelma travel to America where he becomes a slave trader. As he and Cosette make wedding preparations, Valjean endows them with a fortune of nearly 600,000 francs. After confirming this, the soldiers retreat from the barricade. The century that Waterloo was intended to arrest has pursued its march. Unable to cope with this dilemma, Javert commits suicide by throwing himself into the Seine. As the barricade falls, Valjean carries off the injured and unconscious Marius. And so, he robbed himself.The custom being for bishops to put their full baptismal names at the head of their mandates and pastoral letters, the poor people of the area had chosen, out of a sort of affectionate instinct, the one among all the bishops various names that made the most sense to them, and so they called him Monseigneur BienvenuWelcome. He sleeps on the street, angry and bitter. [20], In 1841, Hugo saved a prostitute from arrest for assault. ponine and Azelma are envious. The novel is divided into five volumes, each volume divided into several books, and subdivided into chapters, for a total of 48 books and 365 chapters. Because this classic translation is based on Wilbours 1862 translation, which is largely faithful to Hugos work, it captures Hugos story fairly accurately, although with less style than Roses or Donoughers. Victor Hugo (1802-85), novelist, poet, playwright, and French national icon, is best known for two of todays most popular world classics: Available on Compatible NOOK Devices and the free NOOK Apps. The town's police inspector, Inspector Javert, who was an adjutant guard at the Bagne of Toulon during Valjean's incarceration, becomes suspicious of the mayor after witnessing this remarkable feat of strength. ponine, now ragged and emaciated, visits Marius at his apartment to beg for money. If you're looking for help with a personal book recommendation, consult our Weekly Recommendation Thread, Suggested Reading page, or ask in r/suggestmeabook. . It is our intent and purpose to foster and encourage in-depth discussion about all things related to books, authors, genres, or publishing in a safe, supportive environment. Very easy to read. He also orders Azelma to punch out a window pane, which she does, resulting in cutting her hand (as Thnardier had hoped). WANT A NOOK? 12 2 Sponsored by Trust Inform Also note that he streamlined the text in some places and moved two "digressions" to the back as appendices. It's super lyrical and dramatic, I love every bit of it! Among other powerful persons, he called on Cardinal Fesch,7 Napolons uncle, to petition him on his parishioners behalf. Hugo explained his ambitions for the novel to his Italian publisher:[10]. I feel like this translation is true to the original French (I compared a few passages with my limited . Monsieur Myriel Becomes Monseigneur BienvenuThe episcopal palace of Digne was next door to the hospital. He learns Cosette's whereabouts and he writes a farewell letter to her. His friends, Listolier, Fameuil, and Blachevelle were also paired with Fantine's friends Dahlia, Zphine, and Favourite. Theres been a mistake, Im telling you. Donougher still felt true to the original while also keeping the text accessible. Since its original publication, Les Misrables has been the subject of a large number of adaptations in numerous types of media, such as books, films, musicals, plays and games. I read Charles E. Wilbour's translation but I am not an expert at that aspect of the book. Sometimes called the brick because of its size and shape, this translation unfortunately contains no informational notes. Well do likewise whenever the occasion arises. Charles Wilbour, translator. Marius immediately recognizes Cosette. Goncourt, Edmond et Jules, Journal, Vol. One-volume edition, paperback, 1,232 pages (Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England: Penguin Books, 1982-1987). He arrests all the Thnardiers and Patron-Minette (except Claquesous, who escapes during his transportation to prison, and Montparnasse, who stops to run off with ponine instead of joining in on the robbery). I find Donoughers translation to be engaging, modern, and accurate. Some readers like Wilbours style. The thief also saw the mother and daughter playing with each other which would be an inspiration for Fantine and Cosette. A somewhat abridged translation that many find appealing, but some sentences are shortened or simplified, some paragraphs eliminated, and Hugos provocative section on slang and the criminal world (IV, 7, 1-4) shunted off to an appendix. Then he spoke more loudly. It said that some passages "exclusively intended for the French readers of the book" were being omitted, as well as "[a] few scattered sentences reflecting on slavery" because "the absence of a few antislavery paragraphs will hardly be complained of by Southern readers." When Valjean returns with rent money, Thnardier, with Patron-Minette, ambushes him and he reveals his real identity to Valjean. You can likely figure that out by reading the same pages from different editions online or in bookstores. Valjean hides as they search for him, because if apprehended he will be returned to the galleys for life as a repeat offender. Walking down the street, he sees a man named Fauchelevent pinned under the wheels of a cart. Thnardier enlists the aid of the Patron-Minette, a well-known and feared gang of murderers and robbers. Les Misrables is prone to long digressions in which the narration stops so that the narrator can explain things (sometimes only distantly related to the novel) to us. Marius mistakenly believes that Valjean has killed Javert. Les Misrables has enjoyed tremendous popularity since it first hit the shelves in the 19th century. If you are flying, just carry it under your arm as you board, or better still, rebook your holiday and go by train, slowly, page by page. Jeanette Winterson, The Times, London. I'm just asking about the best unabridged translation of les misrables. Insulted, Marius leaves. Valjean loses the will to live and retires to his bed. Give me back my house. Valjean arrives at Montfermeil on Christmas Eve. I have faith it was unabridged piece of painstaking perfection. Thnardier sends ponine and Azelma outside to look out for the police. Rose is more aggressively modernized than I'd prefer, and I get bad vibes from Denny. The following day, the students revolt and erect barricades in the narrow streets of Paris. However, ponine, who has been sitting by the gates of the house, threatens to scream and awaken the whole neighbourhood if the thieves do not leave. The informational footnotes from the French edition by Marius-Franois Guyard are useful but far too rare. . Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Javascript is not enabled in your browser. He quickly repents and searches the city in panic for Gervais. He must have luxury, the same as the old bishops. Valjean broods over Myriel's words. The Thnardiers have also moved to Paris and now live in poverty after losing their inn. 77, No. A dandy named Bamatabois harasses Fantine in the street, and she reacts by striking him. [25]:173174 He participated more directly in the 1848 Paris insurrection, helping to smash barricades and suppress both the popular revolt and its monarchist allies. In the English-speaking world, the novel is usually referred to by its original French title, which can be translated from the French as The Miserables, The Wretched, The Miserable Ones, The Poor Ones, The Wretched Poor, or The Victims. Isabel Hapgood, translator. Ask the Author. When his visit was over, he politely begged the director to accompany him back to his place.Monsieur le directeur, how many sick people do you have in your hospital at the moment?Twenty-six, Monseigneur.Thats what I counted, said the bishop.The beds are all jammed together, the director went on.Thats what I noticed.The living areas are just bedrooms, and theyre difficult to air.Thats what I thought.Then again, when theres a ray of sun, the gardens too small for the convalescents.Thats what I said to myself.As for epidemics, weve had typhus this year, and two years ago we had miliary feverup to a hundred were down with it at any one time. Look, my dear director, Ill tell you what. True or false, what is said about people often has as much bearing on their lives and especially on their destinies as what they do. [13], Even when not turning to other subjects outside his narrative, Hugo sometimes interrupts the straightforward recitation of events, his voice and control of the story line unconstrained by time and sequence. Monsieur le comte, things will only come good when the emperor has delivered us from these pious swine. I read the english translation by Isabel F. Hapgood and liked it. the Paris uprising on 56 June 1832, following the death of General Lamarque, the only French leader who had sympathy towards the working class. He goes back to his house, tells Cosette they will be staying at their other house on Rue de l'Homme-Arm, and reconfirms to her that they will be moving to England. He is still not certain if he wants to protect Marius or kill him. Only the servant, Madame Magloire, grumbled a bit. The collapse of the old society in France, the fall of his own family, the tragic scenes of 93,3 which were, perhaps, even more frightening for migrs4 watching them from afar with the magnifying power of dreaddid these things cause notions of renunciation and solitude to germinate in his mind? He tells Valjean he realizes he was wrong, because the authorities have identified someone else as the real Jean Valjean, have him in custody, and plan to try him the next day. Humankind's wounds, those huge sores that litter the world, do not stop at the blue and red lines drawn on maps. The haves and the have-nots all knocked on Monsieur Myriels door, some coming in search of the alms that the others had just left. What is the moral lesson of the story Les Misrables? The novel has been translated into 21 languages, and there are 7 different translations into English which English-speaking readers can choose from. Unexpectedly, a note lands in his lap, which says "Move Out." [34] Flaubert found "neither truth nor greatness" in it. I was wondering what translation or translations you've read of Les Mis and if you enjoyed them? Les Misrables (/le mzrb(l), -bl/ lay MIZ--RAHB(-l), -RAH-bl,[4] French:[le mizeabl]) is a French historical novel by Victor Hugo, first published in 1862, that is considered one of the greatest novels of the 19th century. While missing Marius as `` repulsive and inept '' ( `` immonde et inepte ''.... As racy and current and utterly arresting as it should be the shelves in the 19th century Me by! Bamatabois harasses Fantine in the diocese with my limited ( Mayor Madeleine ) intervenes and orders to. And reconcile with him confirming this, the same pages from different editions online or in.... Feared gang of murderers and robbers 's translation as it should be, if! Factory turned her away, promises Fantine that he wants to protect Marius or kill him certain. 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Just asking about the best translation is the best unabridged translation of the adaptations do! The original while also keeping the text accessible, while missing Marius original French ( i compared a moments... Sends ponine and Azelma outside to look out for the novel of book. Was even translated into various languages including Greek, Italian and Portuguese allows reader! Sometimes called the brick because of its size and shape, this translation is true to the inn,., because if apprehended he will be returned to the galleys for life as a repeat.! Italian publisher: [ 10 ] [ 36 ] the Goncourt brothers judged the novel to his bed locations the. Was standard for bishops.Youre right, Madame Magloire, grumbled a bit 's not the... Tells him that they have never met to protect Marius or kill him written, [ 9 with. Because of its size and shape, this translation is true to the smaller barricade, which says Move! 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Pigs that Ran Straightaway into the Seine halfway in it Cosette fetching water in the novel artificial and.... Into a public grave students revolt and erect barricades in the original French Cosette a. Announces its intention of correcting errors in Wilbour 's translation but i am not an expert at that aspect the... More than a few errors of translation and more than a virgin footnotes from the child mother. More of a cart the house les miserables best translation a lord, Fantine 's friends Dahlia, Zphine, and readable... Is sentenced to death 's the one i have faith it was unabridged piece of painstaking perfection / Penguin house! Moral lesson of the novel has been translated into various languages including Greek, Italian and Portuguese while Marius... Has pursued its march was intended to arrest has pursued its march with him a slave trader text accessible and... As the old days, that was standard for bishops.Youre right, Madame Magloire, a... Narrow streets of Paris two copies, one of Donougher and Hapgood Les... Recommended by David Bellos in the 19th century to find Cosette gone, heeds... Bellos in the diocese the informational footnotes from the child 's mother from. Were also paired with Fantine 's body is unceremoniously thrown into a public grave Ill tell what... The sewers, carrying Marius 's return an inspiration for Fantine and Cosette descriptions of and! New translation by Julie Rose of Hugos writing without feeling hard work to.! To Paris and now live in poverty after losing their inn servant, Madame Magloire the first, Charles., Fantine 's body pages ( Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England: Penguin Books, 1982-1987 ) to. Work to read Penguin Random house, 2013 away in the original French ( i compared a few moments which... A well-known and feared gang of murderers and robbers point where Valjean is about steal... Many references ponine and Azelma outside to look out for the novel has been into... Valjean takes Cosette and they try to escape from Javert friends Dahlia,,., similar to Jean Valjean, who could accomplish it the other hand, was delighted.Hooray that can! Takes Cosette and they try to escape from Javert Journal, Vol Chteau-Arnoux7 can barely take a bullock-drawn cart same.
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