GREG. Here are seven things the studies found. Just the one word and no definition, and any guy who stumbles across it'll just roll his eyes and know what the hell it means. The mall. Hey, that's how it's done's the way we get by. He repeatedly calls Greg a pussy. I am. No shit.GREG That pretty much says it all KENT Oh yeah.GREG One day they're gonna save a little time and just stick that word in the dictionary all by itself. Said "forgive me" or something CARLY Well, I'll ask her Silence for a moment while CARLY glances over toward the door,looking for KENT. Jay Mellman. What's up?CARLY He was GREG Nothing, man, I just wanted to KENT Haven't you done enough damage with the ladies lately? If you're meaning tennis.CARLY Yes. "Reasons to Be Pretty" Plot Summary of Act One: In Scene One, Steph is very angry because her boyfriend Greg supposedly said something . I'm totally behind you.GREG Really?KENT Hundred percent. She was gonna just be on the line at one point, that's what she first came in and applied for, but then they had an opening in security and one of these big cheeses out frontthis dumbshit over in human resourcessays he'd like to help her out and suggests an easier job, up near him where she can sit and watch all the video cameras, sign vendors in and out at the doorplus he says, "You make a really great first impression for our company." / What're you reading?GREG Oh. June 3, 2008. In Reasons to Be Pretty, Greg's tight-knit social circle is thrown into turmoil when his offhand remarks about a female coworker's pretty face and his own girlfriend Steph's lack thereof get back to Steph.But that's just the beginning. / (Pumps his fist.) (Beat.) When someone looks or acts different from their level of standards, they're quick to judge and criticize. / 'Cause it gets dark at night, so.GREG Oh. Denna pjs fokuserar p kroppsbild inom Amerika, Vad du behver veta om Neil LaButes feta gris, The Dutiful Mother: Mrs Alving frn "Ghosts", verklaganden misslyckas, Georgia avrttar make-mrdaren Kelly Gissendaner, Varfr Tolstojs roman "Anna Karenina" frn 1877 fortfarande resonerar idag, Studiefrgor fr ditt klassrum frn en klassiker frn Kate Chopin. (Pulls a Reader's Digest out of a pocket in his overalls.) And as people. That's OK I'll just walk around for a bit. (Beat.) OK.KENT Cool.GREG Not to be rude, but I've known you since we were freshmenwhere the hell did you ever hear of Clarence Darrow?KENT Dude, you're not the only one who reads. Don't speak for me. / Yeah. In Reasons to Be Pretty, Greg's tight-knit social circle is thrown into turmoil when his offhand remarks about a female coworker's pretty face and his own girlfriend Steph's lack thereof get back to Steph. (Beat.) The following is a summary and analysis of the events in Act Two. "No one takes me seriously. NEW YORK TIMES REVIEW: "A firestorm of abuse and invective, hot enough to scald the hide off a thick-skinned man, blasts through the opening minutes of "Reasons to Be Pretty," the surprising new play by Neil LaBute that opened Monday night in a . Premiere on 6 September, 2012 Preview Performances at reduced prices on 3, 4 and 5 September Peformances Tuesday to Saturday at 19.30 Hours Matinee Performances at 11.00 Hours on Tuesdays and Fridays beginning 11 September. "Match." Said it and meant it.GREG As a comparison. Play type: Contemporary. Personal statement Essay Example | Topics and Well OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT (EXAM) Essay Example | Topic Chinese martial arts Essay Example for Free. (Beat.) Prior to the inquiry, Carly uncovers that she is three months pregnant. (Beat.) The cast included Piper Perabo, Pablo Schreiber, Alison Pill, and Thomas Sadoski. / Yeah, well, one of those KENT Whoa. Variety and the Flying V logos are trademarks of Variety Media, LLC. Throw the fish in the toilet again, it's not like I'm gonna be surprisedI'm not about to hang out here and get abused like this. We talked. The Australian premiere took place in May 2012 at the Darlinghurst Theatre in Sydney, directed by National Institute of Dramatic Arts graduate James Beach and starring Andrew Henry. / Not Stephanie, no one.GREG Really funny.KENT I'm just sayingif you make up or, or, you know whatever. Being made to feel uncomfortable or even repulsed by the behavior of men comes as no surprise in a Neil LaBute play, but being moved by his male characters is more unexpected. Et gouf nominiert fir dri Tony Awards (Best Play, Best Leading Actress, a Bescht Leading Actor). / Or your face breaking out.GREG Nice! Fuck off that's what I want you to do, Greg, get the fuck out of my life and leave me alone, let me start over in a serious fashion, maybe in a relationship or not, I dunno, but if it is in something like that may it please, please be with someone who can keep from being an asshole and all overbearing and thinking they know everything because you don't. Though we never learn exactly what he said, it emerges that while concurring with his night-shift buddy Kent (Pablo Schreiber) on the attractiveness of a new girl in shipping, Greg made an unfavorable comparison to Steph. Or swimming? You can even cuff me if you wanna CARLY No, I'm tired of you now.KENT That's nice.CARLY I am.KENT Well, damn, baby, I don't know what sort of remedy I've got for that CARLY I do. Maybe I'm paranoid, but I don't think so.GREG You're smoking, man, because if anybody has issues with privacy it's your family, OK? by Neil LaBute. If she shows before I get back tell her I'm in the can GREG I'll probably flower it up a bit, but OK. Fine.KENT nods and gathers up his trash, heading for the door. And I mean every time, so she's not fooling anybody. He sits down on an ottoman and runs his hands through his hair. Jesus. 'Cause he doesn't wanna make eye contact. When Greg makes an innocuous, off-handed remark about his girlfriend Steph, it triggers a battle by which their relationship will forever be defined. How'd we get to this place, huh?STEPH Easy.GREG Yeah?STEPH Yep. She visits about her pregnancy. / Salad?STEPH No thanks. Wear deodorant or perfume. Hon misstnker att Kent fuskar p henne. Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment. Maybe it's easier that waytreat you like a preschooler.GREG I don't need anything to be easier, OK, I don't Look, I'm not scared of you or about anything I said because it wasn't a big deal; we had a few beers and maybe we were a bit loud out in the garage where we were talking, but I didn't say shit.STEPH She was in the kitchen, Greg. Stop it. Yawns.KENT Third sucks.GREG Yep. / You you did that to hurt me.STEPH No shit.GREG You don't really feel all that stuff.STEPH No?GREG You couldn't STEPH Really?GREG No. ischtens, datt hien Kent beweegt, huet de Greg erklert datt hien et mcht "Well Dir et braucht, okay? I'm sorry that I wanted to go early or whatever Damn. 3. Why?STEPH Because this stuff, all this stuff I said about you? MIN. KENT watches her go.KENT Amazing ass, you know?GREG I dunno, man.KENT You can say it, I don't mind. Why don't we just ?STEPH Don't, all right? Voices travel. Olympians and whoever.KENT Are you out running? / After how she took it.GREG Sure. (Beat.) Reasons To Be Pretty Still - H 2014. The story takes place during the spring in present day Pittsburgh. / I'm not making stuff up to delight and entertain you. [He drops the juice on Lysander's eyelid] When thou wakest, let love forbid. How gay is that?GREG Very. We said stuff. "Whatever" is right.GREG All right, just don't be so don't look so triumphant or whatnot. Some girls like that the whole competition thing. They have more children, they get better jobs and they make more money than plain . A little You do because you think that you don't have to shower after work and you'll get in bed and sleep and sweat some more and then use a little deodorant and off you go, like, to work or wherever. If it stumbles in illustrating this lesson, it also opens its author's ears to a new, richly human music. Another one of the signs of a petty person is that they can be very judgmental of others. I mean, I don't think so. That's shit. But "reasons to be pretty," the third entry in this unofficial trilogy, cuts even deeper than its predecessors. Ever ything's back to normal, I see.KENT Gotta give 'er time, dude.GREG Right. D'Konversatioun schwtzt fir d'Nostalgie fir hir gutt Zesummeliewen zesummen, di dann an d'vertraute Argumentatioun vum Kierper Bild an hir Breet ukomm sinn. Reasons to be pretty in product history, characters and act one. Reasons To Be Pretty Still - H 2014. (Beat.) "The Birth Mark." You guys love it when we do crap like this CARLY And what crap is that? 6. Following Carly departs, Stephanie makes a trip to share the news: she is locked in to be hitched. 'S true.CARLY That's why they call it that.GREG What? / Prick do it. First staged off-Broadway in 2008 and then on Broadway in 2009, "reasons to be pretty" completes LaBute's trilogy about beauty, following 2001's "The Shape of Things" and 2004's "Fat Pig . Greg is a nice guy who has a way of saying the wrong thing without being aware of it. Our playwright develops four characters in his story; Greg, Steph, Carly, and Kent. Reasons To Be Pretty: Dark comedy. I rang up their place but I'm only getting the answering machine. Huh?! Go for it.KENT Thanks. Broadway Original. Time?STEPH After this Do you mind staying out for a while? In Reasons to Be Pretty, which completes a trilogy of four-character plays about the unhealthy obsession with physical beauty that began with The Shape of Things, the playwright once again softens his tendency toward cold, clinical assessment with a warming dose of compassion. Find myself just staring at 'em sometimes, and her eyes are a color, I don't even think it's one you'd find in a box of crayonsmaybe one of those bigger cartons, like, sixty-four colors, with the sharpener in itbut even then I'm not sure. (Opens it.) The discussion segues to wistfulness for their great occasions together, which at that point changes into the natural contention about self-perception and their separation. And what you said, all that you said about meeven though it's just the one thingit's completely and for all-time's sake true. Sits down at a table and begins to nibble on a packaged item.GREG keeps his distancecircles around toward a window to have a look out. Hien Kommentaren, di Kent net mi gesinn hat. Greg has plans to head off to college, understanding that he doesnt need to work at a distribution center for an amazing remainder. / Her face is, like ummmmmmgh! (If you are unable to audition on April 20, please contact director Beau Bowden via Facebook ahead of time to make arrangements). Trio av pjser (som ocks inkluderar The Shape of Things och Fat Pig) r inte kopplade till karaktrer eller plot utan genom det terkommande temat kroppsbild inom det amerikanska samhllet.Reasons to Be Pretty hade premir p Broadway 2008. This is perhaps amplified by the shift away from the sleek corporate or professional worlds LaButes plays often inhabit into a blue-collar milieu in which the characters lives are punctuated by time clocks and pay dates. If you wanna get fat it is GREG I'm not gonna get fat because I had one of these thingsit's all natural stuff in it. An adult having an "adult" version of a temper tantrum (i.e. You like shit, clothes and stuff so you can cook and like that, right? Has a drink in front of him. (Beat.) Greg tries to get the upper hand, hinting that he might tell Carly the truth, but Kent believes that he is bluffing. From the start, Greg battles that he doesn't accept that Kent is unfaithful. In hopes of showing Carly the truth about her husband, Greg strongly suggests that she takes the evening off and go home to her husband. (Smiles.) Fuckers GREG Uh-huh. Reasons To Be Pretty will be performed by special arrangement with Dramatists Play Service. Following The Shape of Things and Fat Pig, it is the final installment of a trilogy that focuses on modern-day obsession with physical appearance. / That's what she does to me.GREG 'S great. Auditions will be held on Saturday, April 20 at 10:00 a.m. with call-backs on the evening of Tuesday, April 23 at the Progressive Womens Association, 305 Washington Ave., Clarksburg, WV. "GREG Yeah. Why do we feel that way, though, I wonder? He prefers to focus on the company softball team. I mean, obviously.GREG Cool. And I looked over to where she was pointing, expecting to see a boy from the neighborhoodwe know a lot of people, having grown up here since, like, foreverand she's pointing at Greg. The Shape of Things showed a shambolic geek getting a ruinous makeover. A hopelessly romantic drama about the hopelessness of romance, reasons to be pretty is the final act in the trilogy including The Shape of Things and Fat Pig. (Beat.) Greg tries to explain that he no longer lie about Kents affair. Scenic designer Adam Rowes ingeniously morphing set (filled with Trish Gallagher Glenn and Maria Nays multiple props) takes us from workplace break room to mall food court to restaurant lobby to baseball diamond in scene changes that might overstay their welcome without the crackerjack team of stagehands that make them happen almost lickety-split, transitions underscored by Mark Tschanzs edgy, cinematic original music. I said one little thing. I'm not.GREG I was just / Jeez STEPH NO. Yeah. And remember GREG Got it.KENT keep this shit to yourself. And so you stink, kind of, but I've stopped speaking about it to you because you don't listen. Hien huet mmer erm Greg eng "Pussy" genannt. Oh, I see (Beat.) Is that it?STEPH You mean the Bionic Woman, not Wonder Womanwho had various powers but hearing wasn't one of 'emI mean, of course she could hear, she wasn't deaf, but not in any special way. I want you to tell me! Uh-uh.She thinks about this for a moment, mulling over what she's just said. She follows his recommendation. You always wanna say shit for me, vouch for me or sign shit that we should both have our names on and I'm not gonna have it anymore You are not me so you don't know. Scene 1 takes place in the middle of the day and finds Steph and Greg arguing. It was more of, like, a point of contrastwith you as the good thing.STEPH Huh. Drops it in. To her parents' house or some crap like that, you know?KENT Right.GREG Making a statement.KENT Exactly.GREG Threw an ashtray at me, actually, and one of those pots, you know, with the handle on it KENT No, what?GREG You know, where you make, like, pancakes and shit You know KENT That's a pan. Her. )Not that I think I'm some beauty an old-fashioned glamour gal or anything, I don't but I'm not bad, ya know, not bad at all . Neil LaBute dissects male-female relationships as only he cansavagely, but not without humor and maybe even a sliver of hopein reasons to be pretty, his 2008 button-pusher now being given a dynamically directed, sensationally acted intimate revival at Hollywoods Lounge Theatre. That's all I wanna say to you right nowI meant it a whole other way STEPH Whatever. Huh? reasons to be pretty's raison-d'tre may be to showcase four of Aquila Morong Studio's finest acting students, but with up-and-comers as talented as Novogratz, Coover, Boffey, and Hunt bringing Neil LaBute's words to fiery life, this is no mere "showcase production." It is L.A. intimate theater at its electrifying best. She asks if Greg was out with Kent and girls, but Greg lies and says that it was just guys from work. (Beat.) Greg's best buddy, Kent, and Kent's wife, Carly, also enter into the picture, and the emotional equation becomes exponentially more complicated. OVERVIEW. Jesus Don't be such a dick about it KENT 'S a beautiful thing.GREG I'm sure Too bad her attitude sucks.KENT Ha! Why? (to the others) OK, show's over now, go back to your chop suey shit that you're eating and leave us be STEPH watches the crowd disperse; turns to GREG again.GREG This shouldn't be happening STEPH But it is.GREG I care about you, Stephanie. And?STEPH What?GREG What'd she say? My life.GREG I'm by what? (Beat.) Plot summary: When Greg makes a seemingly harmless comment about his girlfriend Steph's "regular" looking face, the information gets back to Steph and sends their relationship over the deep end. "[1], The Broadway production, also directed by Kinney, began previews at the Lyceum Theatre on March 13, 2009, opened on April 2, 2009 and closed on June 14, 2009 after 85 performances. Detta irriterar Kent, som knner att Greg r dmande. Steph an Greg un enger Iwwerraschung stoen. Just right there, my boyfriend, who's over at the grill and laughing and making burgers for all of us and he was, too. (Beat.) (to him) Are you listening?GREG Yep. That her boyfriend thinks her face is "OK." You can't swallow that down and find a way to come up smiling or anything, you know what I'm saying? Greg och Kent frbereder sig fr arbetsrelaterat softballspel. It features the same four characters several years later, and starred Jenna Fischer, Josh Hamilton, Leslie Bibb and Fred Weller. Plop!KENT makes the noise again and pokes her in the rib. Greg has plans to go to college, realizing that he doesnt want to work at a warehouse for the rest of his life. It's not, I mean, did she say that I ? CARLY and KENT seated at a table, eating. That would suck, completely suck if you were that woman and that was gonna be meI'm saying once I knew how he felt about me, that was what I had to look forward to. Carly besicht Greg (deen nach e puer klassesch Literatur liest). Direkt no der Carly Blieder, stoppt Stephanie di nei Noriichten ze verteelen: si ass bestued ze heiran. / No?GREG No. Greg frsker ta verhanden och antyder att han kanske berttar Carly sanningen, men Kent tror att han bluffar. / The message was lost.GREG Fine. Yep. STEPH.GREG stands awkwardly. But the protagonist here not only acknowledges his weaknesses, they cause him shame and suffering. I mean, this is like a serious personality glitch you've got there STEPH SAY IT TO ME, SAY IT! Seriously. Further complications surface when Kent begins an affair with the unseen new colleague. Yeah. Federal law also prohibits most employers from firing someone because that person is . It was selected for three Tony Awards (Best Play, Best Leading Actress, and Best Leading Actor). / Yes, you did!GREG Steph STEPH No, don't, do not "Steph" me right now!GREG Come on, Stephanie STEPH Don't do that, you prick! Really. It's your mom's so I should be kind, but hey fuck that. CARLY watches as KENT keeps checking the time.CARLY You're not late.KENT 'Kay.CARLY I don't know why you have to keep looking at the clock.KENT Because we've got a lot to do tonight.CARLY Oh.KENT Putting in overtime, might as well do the thing right. Often the writers provocations have been channeled through men who were proudly unrepentant about their ruthlessness, misogyny and immorality. / 'S none of my business, do what you need to do KENT I will.GREG That's your stuff. I mean, I can take a lot, pretty much, anyway, but I'm, like, my face?That's shit. More Playbill Covers. Steph has become a manager at her hair salon. In 1975, researchers at Stanford invited a group of undergraduates to take part in a study about suicide. All right? Even back at school that was true GREG I didn't even think to KENT I'm just saying. THE STORY: A love story about the impossibility of love, REASONS TO BE PRETTY introduces us to Greg, who really, truly adores his girlfriend, Steph. / 'Bout, I dunno, two weeks ago KENT Nice. Or to yank my chain, like usual KENT Yeah, well, not this time. De Greg probiert d'Hnn ze krien, datt hien d'Wierklechkeet d'Carly wier z'erklren, m Kent mengt datt hie sech blien. I think so. I mean CARLY Because we're friends, Greg. This play, directed by the playwright, shouldn't. Carly continues to pressure him, asking Greg to look her in the eye and say he doesnt know anything. I never said "ugly. (Beat.) I'm very OK with it, believe me GREG Whatever (Beat.) (Beat.) Come on, just say it GREG All right. No, not in comparison or / Nope.STEPH Or anything like that? Not very nice stuff, either. GO!GREG I will. / Uh-huh.STEPH Cool. She's afraid that her life will always be defined by the way she looks but she's sincere and honest and tries to be a good friend. its a play about societys obsession with physical appearance and its effect on the lives of the four people who are the characters in this play. Thu 17 Nov 2011 19.32 EST. You try and hide it pretty well but I can spot it, at the crown when you're bending over or as you sit in the kitchen eating and you ask me to get up and fix you something, then I see it. And that's what hurts the most GREG No.STEPH You said stuff. (She starts crying.) Hmmm?GREG No. Door to the kitchen was open. Gender: Female. "Reasons to Be Pretty," showing this weekend at The Playhouse in San Antonio, Hon frgar om Greg var ute med Kent och tjejer, men Greg ljuger och sger att det bara var killar frn jobbet. And don't try and trick me, dudeyou're totally jealous of her!KENT I know but I'm talking about in theory here. Reasons to Be Pretty by Neil LaBute. Det nominerades till tre Tony Awards (bsta pjs, bsta ledande skdespelerska och bsta ledande skdespelare). Before he beats Kent up, Greg explains that he is doing it Because you need it, okay? At the very edge of, like, a cavern or the, you know, the Grand Canyon or whatever thing makes sense to you GREG This doesn't make sense, not what you're saying to me. The first Canadian production was presented in Montreal, at Thtre La Licorne, from November 19 to December 14, 2012 with Quebec French translation by David Laurin and direction by Frdric Blanchette. / You're crazya goddamn loon!STEPH Tell me what you said. ', Will Smith Accepts Special Honor at AAFCA Ceremony, First In-Person Awards Speech Since 2022 Oscars, How Chicago Fire Said a Temporary Goodbye to Taylor Kinneys Kelly Severide Amid Leave of Absence, HBO's Leading Man: Casey Bloys on Perfecting 'The Last of Us,' HBO Max Streaming Merger and Axing Shows, A24 Sweeps Film Categories at the 2023 SAG Awards as 'Everything Everywhere All at Once' Breaks Record for Most Wins, Jean Smart 'Doing Well, Recovering' Following Heart Procedure, Says Hacks Co-Star Hannah Einbinder, Ke Huy Quan Becomes First Asian Male Film Winner at SAG Awards for 'Everything Everywhere All at Once'. (Beat.) They're made up of sound, case you didn't know GREG Yeah, I'm down with the basic scientific principles, Steph, thanks very much for the know-how there.STEPH And so she's cooking up some ground beef for tacos on the stove and she hears you, plain as day, going on about me and there is no doubt in her mindthat's none, no doubt of any kindthat you said exactly what she repeated to me GREG I see. Hie sech blien he sits down on an ottoman and runs his hands through hair... Jobs and they make more money than plain 've stopped speaking about to... And Act one it.KENT keep this shit to yourself a point of contrastwith you as the good thing.STEPH huh zesummen. Kind of, but hey fuck that to work at a warehouse for rest... Steph Yep him ) are you listening? Greg what 'd she say how 's. In illustrating this lesson, it also opens its author 's ears to a new, richly human music contact. N'T look so triumphant or whatnot attitude sucks.KENT Ha invited a group of undergraduates take... 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Variety and the Flying V logos are trademarks of variety Media, LLC 'Cause he does accept! Other way STEPH Whatever says that it was selected for three Tony Awards ( pjs! Are you listening? Greg I dunno, Two weeks ago Kent nice / 's none my.
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